School Project pt 2

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Sal ends up having to invite Travis after school so they can finish the project and, Larry ended up going to some concert so there were luckily no distractions. Sal even thought they might finish it in time. "Hey, so Travis can you look up a site for hurricane tortilla" Sal said enthusiastically then, realised that Travis had passed out on Sal's beanbag. This made Sal pretty pissed off and was trying to figure out if he should wake him up now or, wait until later when Sal actually needed him. Maybe an hour or so later Sal had finished the first part of the project and needed Travis. Clearly there was only one thing that could fix this problem. Sal then slowly picks up a pillow and thrusts it at Travis's head. Travis wakes up huffing and puffing and Sal starts dying and choking of laughter about to cry. "Holy crap! Sal what the actual fuck!" Sal slowly tries to stop laughing and proceeds to pick up the laptop. Huffing after laughing Sal tells Travis "I need you to finish the slides" Travis butts in "Wait what time is it, how long have you been doing this I was supposed to be home by 9." Travis said manically grabbing for the laptop to check the time. "Chill it's only five past nine you'll be fine." This causes Travis to start throwing shit everywhere grabbing for his jacket and leaves slamming the door. Sal was left confused just sitting there. Was Travis okay?

I interrupt this program to say i have kidnapped your author he is gone!!! MAHAHAHHAHAHA

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