Back at School

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Sal was obviously dreading coming back into these doors I mean who wouldn't after those events last time he was there right? He entered the school and immediately Travis was right there. Was he waiting for Sal? Was he upset? Oh my god was he gonna fucking murder Sal or something. Sal took a deep and long breathe of reassurance.

Travis didn't glare at him like he usually did but Sal could definitely tell that there was something up with him Travis sort of moved his eyes In a movement like he was trying to say: bathroom now let's go. But Sal was sure he was just losing it.

L: Dude you're being a freak staring at that fucking lunatic..

S: Heh.. yeah I guess so, but will you give me a minute I need to use the bathroom

L: Are you still sick? Dude don't puke or anything

S: I'm not still sick I just need to piss.

L: Yeah yeah whatever you're totally skipping aren't you, you know if you get caught skipping again they'll give you Saturday school

S: I won't get caught nobody even uses that bathroom.

L: So you are skipping

S: Chill out Jesus let me use the bathroom okay

Sal hurries to the bathroom while Larry gives him a glare like I knew it. If Larry only actually knew

Sal was sitting in the bathroom for a good 5 minutes maybe his head really was fucking with him and Travis was not about to walk in here. But right when he thought that Travis walks right in and looks pretty pissed

Trav: Why did you do that and why did you leave after what the hell?!

S: Um.

Trav: Um that's all you have to say ! I feel like I deserve an apology and an explanation

S: I'm sorry..?

Trav: Mm

And right there Travis gets right in front of Sals face taking off his mask and pressing his face onto Sals while Sal muffles trying to make him stop

Trav: Oh did you want me to stop?

Sal was just in shock and couldn't really process anything happening he didn't know what he wanted so with that being said Sal continues the kiss by placing himself underneath Travis and grabs him closer.

Travis starts grabbing at Sals hands and puts them over his head, Travis grabs Sals shirt pushing it up slightly in an attempt for more skin to show but Sal starts making muffling sounds again trying to be like woah no stop that. At this point Travis had a huge hard on but the didn't wanna fuck this up by going to fast somehow but at the same time they weren't a couple and Travis had a huge ego and felt as if he could find someone else easily. But he didn't want to do that to Sal.. part of him felt empathy for him. He knew he'd sure be pissed if he saw Sal fucking with some other dude.

After what felt like decades in that bathroom the school bell rang.

S: I.. have to.. go now

Trav: Mm yeah me too

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