New Kid (side story)

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DISCLAIMER——this side story is in Larry's pov 

It all started when I was called to the office. Mr Principalnooneknowshisname told me to walk this new kid around, Phillip Phelps. Phelps. Of course he just has to be a Phelp. God I should just get this over with. I walked into the Principles' office and slumped into the chair as my long black hair swifts to the back of the chair dangling down.

Eventually he walks in, holding his bag on one of his arms like it was just too much of a bother to put on his back. I immediately assumed he was related to Travis Phelps. The kid who has been harassing my friends and my step-brother for years. I just knew if he was anything like Travis, I would never like to speak with him again.

Phillip suddenly perks up with a big smile " You must be Larry Johnson right?'' I started to stumble on my words. That was not the reaction I expected. "Er yeah. I'm supposed to walk you around the school today" I probably sounded really rude. thinking back on it I remember looking back to his pale face, the slight light in his eye dull to my reaction.

I quickly walked past him brushing our shoulders together when I started walking down the hall, he wasn't as bubbly as he was just two seconds again but he got the memo to follow. "Well do you know what your home room is? That'd be the best place to start" I said in a more monotone calm voice. " Uh yeah hold on'' Phillip dropped his bag on the ground in the middle of the hallway frantically shoveling through the backpack when he pulled a piece of paper out. "Room 224" I had realized the paper was his schedule but, then what were all these papers on the floor? He had only been here half an hour or so.

As I walked him to his home room I tried my best to make conversation so it wasn't completely awkward. "So yeah did you transfer here?" My question caused Phillip to slightly grin, but he was still staring at the ground. Maybe he didn't want me to notice. "Yeah I transferred here because well, my cousin goes here and my old school.. wasn't the best for me" that statement did intrigue me but ergh 'his cousin' is the bane of my existence.

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