Ch. 28

939 48 4

Wei Lin's POV

We are on our way to Tanzhou town. We were just walking obviously Wei Wuxian messing around with Lan Zhan, Jiang Cheng ignoring him and me and Huan-ge walking behind them. Yes, Lan Xichen told me to call him that as we bonded on this trip. So, I was saying we were just walking when I suddenly realized something. Wen Chao's owl. I totally forgot about him. But I heard an owl and I remembered that.

I went close to A-Ying and A-Zhan and motioned Huan-ge to follow me. I whispered to them.

WL - That idiot Wen Chao's owl is following us.

Thay all became wary.

WL - We will scatter. I'll make sure the owl follow me. You all catch it off guard.

LX - But that's dangerous. What if Wen Chao got to you?

WL - He is an idiot. Don't worry about him. And I'm much more powerful than him.

WY - Take care A-Jie.

JC - Stay safe.

After that we all went in different directions. But I started running to make them suspicious of me. And it worked the owl started following me. After a few minutes I stopped and looked at the owl directly. And unsheathed Lianhua. The owl saw me and came at me at full speed  ready to attack. But before it could do anything A-Ying caught it with his binding talisman. When they all came I smiled at them.

LX - Are you okay?

LZ - Shijie, you're not hurt, right?

WY - Jie!

JC - Shijie! You okay?

WL - I'm fine. What can possibly happen to me? Besides I have you all.

WY - What should we do with it?

We all looked at him.

WL - Give it to me.

I took it. They all looked at me thinking what will I do.

WL - I am really sorry.

Wen Owl(WO) - Free me.

WL - Hm!?

WY - What happened Jie?

I looked at the owl. Did it just talked to me?

WL - Hey, wen owl. Free you?

WO - You can hear me?

WL - Hm.

WO - Who are you?

WL - Wei Lin.

WO - Wei. Queen Cangse.

WL - My mother?

WO - So, you're that infamous Princess Wei.

WL - Hm?

WO - Every other animal is talking about Princess Wei.

WL - But how can I?

WO - You didn't know? If you concentrate on an animal you can hear them.

WL - Wow. But you have to go. I am really sorry.

WO - No, it will be my honor to die by your hands instead of that filthy Wen Chao.

WL - Goodbye.

And I slit it's throat. I looked back at the others. They are staring at me.

WL - What?

WY - Were you talking to that owl?

WL - What are you saying, A-Ying? How will I talk to an owl?

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