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Mari sat beside Anika, watching tv. Sam, Tara, Chad, and Mindy were in the kitchen talking. Anika was reading her book while Ethan was at Econ.

The news reporter started talking and Mari turned it up, "Guys, what the hell?"

"We're hearing from sources inside the homicide division that the prime suspect is none of than Samantha Carpenter, one of the survivors of the Woodsboro killings in 2022, seen here attacking a women on the street last night."

The video of Sam pushing the student who spilled a drink on her the night of the party popped up on screen. Everyone watched the tv intently.

"In the wake of the Woodsboro tragedy last year, rumors sprouted online that Carpenter was actually responsible for the killings, blaming the crimes on her boyfriend, Richie Kirsch and teen Amber Free-" Sam had turned the tv off before the reporter could continue.

"Damn." Mari muttered under her breath.

Sam and Tara walked to the table and sat down, "Why would they do that?" Anika whispered to Mari.

"No clue." She answered.

Chad and Mindy walked over to them, sitting at the table, "Hey, hey. Just a reminder, not a single person in this room hates you. Okay? We have all been through some fucked-up stuff, and we are coping with it differently. But, I mean, we moved here together for one very specific reason. We are a team."

Mari still sat with Anika to give the four their time to talk.

"We are the Core Fucking Four." Mindy smiled.

"Thank you very much." Chad lifted his hand for a high five.

"Ah, I hate myself." Mindy gave him a high five.

Mari pulled out her phone and texted Ethan to make sure he was okay. Ever since he told her his secret, they stuck together more than ever.

"Who are ya texting? Your lover boy?" Anika teased.

"He's not my lover boy!" Mari smiled.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. In my books he is." She smiled and nudged your arm.

"Seriously, when y'all get together, you should definitely tell me first. We can have sleepovers and have fun!" Anika told Mari.

"Totally." Mari laid her head on Anika's shoulder.

No one knew that Cute Boy Across The Hall was trying to get our attention the whole time.

You could hear moans coming from Quinn's room and Mari cringed, "Quinn and her gentleman caller are back at it again." She said.

Mari walked over to the table as everyone got a notification on their phone. She frowned and pulled it out of her back pocket. It was an airdrop picture of Quinn getting stabbed by Ghostface.

Everyone stood in front of her door, Mari was in front because she had gotten there first.

It suddenly went quiet, "Run." Mindy spoke as Quinn's body was thrown out of the room. She fell on top of Mari and Anika, causing them both to scream.

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