Chapter - 12

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Taehyung opened up his eyes and closed at the same instant due to insanely bright light he is seen.Am I dead? Taehyung again tried to open eyes and this time he successfully kept it up for certain minutes.

"Ohh You are  awake?"Unfamiliar female voice is heard by him and he turned towards that. That's when he saw that he is inside a white coloured room. Taehyung tried to erect his body but a stricking pain erupted from his hand taking his attention towards that. A bandaged arm. Last night events displayed infront of his eyes like a film. The way his trembling hands held that knife, the way he cut his hand like a crazy man , the way he cried alone holding his bruised hand, the way he called  Jungkook for one last time but went answered. All these made Taehyung to close his eyes and sigh. Seems like his mind got the best of him yesterday.

"We kissed Tae."

"I don't know Tae. We need time."

"I think I need a break...break from this relationship."

"He is a fool to keep trusting on you. He should understand that you will never come to him."


He lost everything. He has nothing to claim as his own. He doesn't want to live. He is so afraid of death but living like this is harder. It's so scary how people hurt him and leave like nothing happened. A lone tear escaped from his eyes. Who saved me ? Why I can't even die?

After a moment the door wide opened revealing a person who seems to be like a doctor and nurses.

"Young boy!!!! So hurry to take desicions huh?!"Doctor exclaimed wanting to uplift the mood. Taehyung weakly smiled at him. This man knows nothing about him.

"You should think twice before taking such a dangerous desicion. Living is harder than dying. Don't give up this competition easily.In your condition you should be very careful."Doctor said referring to his weak condition.

"You know nothing sir. I tried my best."Taehyung mumbled. Voicing out his agonies is also hard. He wants someone to hold him.Someone to protect him. How can he explain this?

Doctor continued to check his condition and said that he is alright physically. But he has to participate in counselling session before going out of the hospital. Taehyung politely thanked him with a warm smile eventhough he is panicked about how to pay the bills. A sudden question popped up in his mind and asked

"Who brought me here?"

"Ohh it's...ahh he is coming."Doctor left after that leaving Taehyung with his so called saviour,,,,Jungkook.

Jungkook stood up at the door with his hands  full of food bags  like he has seen a ghost. Taehyung also reflected the same expression not knowing what to feel. Should he be happy that Jungkook came to see him? Taehyung first broke the eye contact and coughed to break the silence. Jungkook's abnormal mood quickly washed away replacing it with a stern one , the mood he usually uses now when he is with Taehyung. Without a talk Jungkook walked towards the bed and placed the bags on the stool near it.

"What are you thinking about you huh? Why do you even do that? I always worked hard to keep you alive. Did you try to make me a defeater by that unnecessary thing? Why are you so stupid.."Jungkook's rambling ended as Taehyung hiccuped while crying. Jungkook is still angry about the thing happened. He looked away still in anger but stopped lashing out.

After calming himself down Taehyung asked

"How did you find me?"

"Your call."Jungkook directly answered. He is not even looking at Taehyung who desparately waiting for a glance. Within those blames Taehyung still can feel the warmth, love and care he had. His Jungkoo is worrying about him. Taehyung is happy now because Jungkook is with him although he knew that this is temporary.

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