New house part 2

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"Is this where you live?"


Finally, a answer.
he thought.
"Why do you bring me here?"

Minho got out of the car and prepared himself for jisung's reaction.

"Because your going to be living here."

Jisung gasped and dropped his jaw

"D-Did you say..LIVING here?"

"Yes, now come on and follow me." Minho said as he shut his car door.

Jisung got out of the car still completely starstruck, and followed Minho past the guards that were outside the house. And as he was about to open the door jisung spoke.

"Wait, what is going on? why are you saying that I'm living here." Jisung asked with the sudden knock down of reality.

"Because you are."

Minho again turned to open the door, but jisung grabbed his hand. Making the sudden appearance of butterflies enter Minho's stomach.

"Sir.. please be serious for a second. I really want to know why you brought me to live at your home."

Minho heard jisung. But his mind was focused on the soft hand holding his.

"I..I, um.." Minho swallowed dry. He didn't know what was happening to him.

But then Jisung let go still waiting for an answer, and it's as if a switch flipped inside of Minho and he was normal again.

"I brought you to live here because you no longer have a house, and you must be crazy if you think I'm gonna let you live on the streets. Also you don't have a choice."

"Sir, I don't have an issue with living on the streets. I really don-"

"-well I have an issue with it, and..I don't want you to be alone."

Jisung shut up after that, he didn't know what to say. So he just followed inside."

He was expecting something luxurious and huge. But it still blew his mind how big it really was.

"Whoa." he mumbled.

He lives in this big place alone?

Minho walked him into an unoccupied room.

"This is your room."

Even the room caught jisung's eye. The walls were a Gray-ish black and a crystal chandelier hung. The bed was bigger then the one he slept in at his house. And the covers were Imprinted in a stary design.

"Wow, its so beautiful." he said in amazement.

Minho looked at him and didn't think before he spoke.

"Well, I do think the room should look like Its owner." ( which was now jisung🥰✨)

Jisung looked at Minho who was staring at him. It took a minute for jisung's confused and flustered face for Minho to process what he had just said. When he realized it he looked down and cursed himself. Jisung laughed.

"Thank you sir, for all of this" He said as he bowed.

"HAN, when were at work call me sir or boss..but whenever we're me by name."

Jisung looked wide eyed not expecting this from a leader of a mafia.

"Okay, but you have to call me by name when we're here also."   

Minho laughed.

As Minho was walking away jisung spoke.

"Goodnight Minho."

"..Goodnight jisung."

Jisung went in his new room and shut the door. He was still in awe at the beautiful room.

Meanwhile Minho went into his room and sat down at the desk next to his bed.

I'm for sure going to get a headache tonight.

He turned on his lamp. there was  paperwork in his bag that he brought home and books that he had read sitting on his desk.

"Ugh!" he groaned slamming his hands on the table.

(Even mafia's get tired😱)

He took the paperwork out of his bag and started working.


Jisung was sitting on his bed not even laying down yet. He already had trouble sleeping at night, and it only made it worse sleeping in a place he wasn't familiar with. And to make it even MORE worse. It was his bosses house.

He was to scared to go to sleep..but not because of being uncomfortable, he could look past that. He just wasn't ready for the nightmares.

Yeah..the nightmares. He's had nightmares ever since 2 years ago since he went through that torment. He dreams about it almost every night. And has to take pills to knock himself out. But he didn't want to take them because he didn't want to go to bed yet.

              3 HOURS LATER 1:00am

Minho was on the vurge of falling asleep and he was on his last paper. As soon as he finished it he heard a noise downstairs.

What the hell?

He grabbed his gun out of the drawer and quietly opened his door. He quieted his footsteps and heard another noise come from the kitchen. He pressed his back against the wall and loaded his gun, then he took a deep breath, and walked into the kitchen with his gun pointed.

But to his surprise he saw jisung sitting down on one of the bar chairs at the counter.

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