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The day passed by very slowly without Jisung, and Minho found himself missing him more and more...

It was 7:00 pm and Minho had said goodbye to Seungmin, then he heard a knock come from the door he was about to walk out of...

Minho confusingly opened the door that was knocked on, which led outside. When he opened it he saw the person he had been dying to see all day.


When he saw him only one thought went through his head, physical contact. That's how much he missed him.
minho used that single thought and ran to Jisung and threw his arms around him.

Jisung was in shock, but after a minute he decided to return the hug.

Jisung wrapped his arms around Minho's waist and buried his head in Minho's neck. The good thing about Jisung's height was that he was short enough to put his head in Minho's chest and tall enough to put his head in his neck.

Minho could ignore the butterflies he got when he felt Jisung's arms around his waist, but what was driving him crazy was how Jisung was snuggled up in his neck, and how his breath just ever so slightly grazed his collarbone.

Jisung was the one who broke away from the hug, which Minho was grateful for because he didn't think he would ever let go.
"How was work?"

"It's always the same, what matters is how are you? Did you eat? Drink? rest?"

"Whoa whoa." Jisung said as a reaction to all the questions, "Let's see, I'm feeling great and..yes, yes, and yes." he said as he laughed.

Minho smiled in return seeing Jisung healthy, "Wait, how did you get here?"

"Oh, I called your home phone knowing one of your guards would answer and I asked them to come to get me and drop me off here, I told him to go ahead and go back since you would probably end up taking me home."

"Why did you call him instead of me?" Minho asked.

"Don't be like that, It's cause' you were working and I didn't want to disturb you."

Minho, who was already still holding the younger arm, clenched Jisung's sleeves. "Are you serious? Jisung, you could never disturb me, listen closely when I tell you I don't care how bad you feel about it, but you better call me if you need anything, and I will drop whatever I'm doing to come to you, do you understand?"

Jisung reluctantly nodded his head in understanding. "Okay, we have to go back inside, I've been waiting to go to Antonio since you weren't here."

Jisung didn't question it and was going to go inside without saying another word, but then Minho yanked him back, "Aren't you forgetting something?" Minho said.

Jisung instantly understood what Minho was wanting based on the desperateness on Minho's face. Jisung became shockingly bold and did something that Minho nor you readers would have expected. He went up to Minho and got on his tiptoes just a tiny bit so his mouth was at Minho's ear and said, "Minho.."

Minho was shocked at Jisung's actions, but Jisung started to say more, "You feel better? you must like it huh?"
Jisung's whisper touched Minho's ear.. and to Minho, it felt like heaven found a way to him, every hair on his body stood up and shivers traveled their way down his neck to his back. Minho knew exactly what he was doing. He was teasing him.

Minho dominantly shoved Jisung away from his ear and brought him back to his chest he used his index finger to lift his chin a little so they were eye to eye, and he used his thumb to rub Jisung's jaw and returned the same whisper that Jisung gave him by saying, "is this a game you want to play? because there are a thousand ways I could-"

Before he could finish he heard his name being called from inside.


Jisung thought more than angry that Minho was interrupted. He was angry at the butterflies that had disappeared when Minho looked away from him to the door, don't ask him why, because he wouldn't answer you.

Minho was going to go see what was going on but Jisung grabbed his arm and stopped him making Minho turn around in confusion.
"Minho, finish, just finish..please," Jisung said as he sounded more desperate than Minho ever could.

Minho didn't move, he just stared at the boy in front of him unable to comprehend what he heard from him. He wanted to...Pull him close and do something..he wanted to do many things...He wanted to-

The door came barging open and Seungmin appeared.

"Sir, you need to come inside, we got the rest of the emails from BTS and 3RACHA."

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