For finding me.

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Before Minho could respond he was off. Leaving Minho there with his thoughts. After a minute he met Jisung in the car and sighed. "What's wrong?" asked Jisung.

'There's nothing wrong Jisung..But i just may have found..the answer'

"Mnho? Is there something wrong?"

Minho was snapped out of his thoughts. "Um, no not at all, just tired."

Jisung just hummed in response, and Minho decided he would finish his thoughts back at the house.

"So, what did you talk with Seungmin about?"

"Just about Antonio..Which brings me to the question, why the hell didn't you tell me he was doing this to you?"

Jisung shrunk into his the seat. "He told me that if i told you, it wouldn't be fair."

"How painful was it? Explain it to me." Minho said not caring to hear anything else. His mind, his heart, and his body was all focused on Jisung.

"It was pretty painful, I couldn't bow because it hurt so much."

Minho turned off the AC so there was complete silence for his voice to be 'clearly' heard. "When we get home i want you to show me your bruises, all of them..I wanna know how many times i fucking get to stab Antonio."

"Minho, i'm still struggling to process the side of you i saw in the basement. I want to ask, how did you get to that point, the point of no mercy and being able to hurt people without blinking an eye?"

Jisung didn't mean anything bad by the question, after all, he's killed people himself. But it would be nice to know his story. Does anyone really 'know' it?

"Do you want to know the truth, Jisung?"

Jisung nodded his head.

"It's because of you.."

"Me?"Jisung said "Why me?"

"Two years ago, after I thought they killed you. I lost almost every emotion i could think of. So then, i really commited to changing myself, to be able to only work the emotions of anger, hate, and sadness. After I changed, i knew i couldnt start putting people together yet because i wasn't scary enough for them to respect or listen to me. So..I went out and killed someone, it was my first murder, it wasn't anyone random He was a drug dealer who preyed on little girls, and i killed him"

"How did it feel?" Jisung asked.

Minho looked at Jisung for a split second before putting his eyes back on the road. "It felt horrible, I felt like a monster. But the thing is, if a monster kills another monster, the killer won't feel like a hero, I didn't. In my world, villains kill villains, there is no 'hero'. I realized after i murdered that drug dealer that no matter what i do, i will never be able to fully harden my heart, because no matter what people say, there is always one spot, even if it's as small as a spec, that has all the emotion you tried so hard to bury.."

Minho realized he was getting off topic and comfortably spilling about his past and personal life. And jisung was all ears for it. What he said made sense.

"But anyway, I trained everyday to where i couldn't say there was room for improvement. I made sure of it. I got to the point of being like that because you pushed me to try harder to."

Jisung didn't say a word, i mean, how could he. The things he wanted to say he wasn't able to put into words.

And for once..Minho liked the silence, he didn't want anyone telling him that 'their sorry' or 'thats terrible'. He just wanted the satisfaction of being able to talk about this topic and not getting a word in return. It's like Jisung was truly listening.

"Thank you, Jisung."

Jisung was taken back from the sudden praise. "For what?"

"For finding me."

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