New way of sleep.

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He grabbed his gun out of the drawer and quietly opened his door. He quieted his footsteps and heard another noise come from the kitchen. He pressed his back against the wall and loaded his gun, then he took a deep breath, and walked into the kitchen with his gun pointed.

But to his surprise he saw jisung sitting down on one of the bar chairs at the counter.

Jisung looked at him and didn't even blink an eye. Minho got so used to being alone that he forgot jisung was here.

"Damn it." he said as he took a deep breath. "Sorry jisung, I completely forgot you were here and I thought somebody broke in."

Jisung sat up straight. He was tense in front of his boss.

"It's okay, no need to apologize. But do you really think someone could get past the swarm of guards out there?"

Minho chuckled, then sat his gun on the table.

"Well, you know why I'm out here. So tell me..why are you?"

"I just..came out for something for some water."

Minho analyzed jisung's body language as he was sitting there looking down and fiddling with his fingers.

"Have you slept?" asked jisung.

"No, I've been working."


Minho looked at jisung again.
"Have YOU slept?"

"Not exactly."

Minho got worried hearing that the younger boy hasn't slept yet.
"Do you want some beer. Or wine?"

"No thanks, I don't drink."

Minho didn't want to make him feel uncomfortable by drinking so he just  got water bottles from the fridge for the both of them. Then jisung (out of nowhere I might add) pulled out a pill bottle from his pocket!

Minho watched as the younger poured 3 pills onto his hand.

"Hey, what are those for?" he asked concerningly.

"They help out me to sleep. I would have taken them earlier but I wasn't ready to go to bed, but I am now."

Minho took a drink out of his water bottle before asking a question.

"Do you always have trouble sleeping?"

"Yes. But I don't know why." he lied.

"Are you supposed to take 3 pills for it?"

Jisung looked down at the pills in his hand.

"Actually I'm only supposed to take one. But I want to go to sleep very quickly."

As jisung was about to put the pills in his mouth Minho rushed over the table and grabbed his hand making the pills fall on the ground.

"No no no, if your only used to taking one then who knows what 3 will do to you."

"I'm not that worried about it."

"Well I am, sungie." Jisung got a cold chill at the nickname. It made him feel like a blushing mess so he looked down.

"O-Okay, I won't take 3 t-then."

Minho took the pill bottle away from jisung.

"How about taking no pills tonight."

He looked at Minho confusingly. But I need them to go to sleep." said jisung trying to prove a point.

"Then let's try something else."

Jisung watched as Minho disappeared into the hallway and came back with a couple blankets.

He walked past jisung saying the words "Come here" as he put the blankets on the couch.

Jisung cautiously got up being unaware of what Minho had in mind.
Minho lifted his hand up and wiggled it as a signal to hurry up.

Minho sat at the corner of the couch and jisung sat next to him. Then the older gently put the blankets over them. Jisung wasn't uncomfortable but he was nervous being so close to his boss that there arms and shoulders were touching.

"How is this.. supposed to help?"

"Because, maybe you should try sleeping a different way..if this doesn't work, then I'll let you take the pills."

Jisung stayed silent.
"Then can I..lay on your lap ?"

Minho was taken back by the question. "W-What?"

"Just so I can get comfortable.."

Minho didn't know how to respond to him.

"Please.." jisung asked in aegyo.

O-Oh my god
Minho thought.

He looked away and almost got mad at how ridiculously cute he thought that was.

"Y-Yeah sure." he said still looking the opposite direction of jisung.

Then the next thing he knows, he feels jisung's head on his lap.

After a little bit of time went by, he finally had the courage to look down at jisung.

And jisung was actually really tired at this moment. So tired that when he closed his eyes they were really hard to open. It was pretty shocking for him because this is the first since two years that he has gotten tired so fast without taking those pills.

Now, with jisung's heavy and slow breathing, along with him not moving, Minho thought he was sleeping. He smiled at the sight of him laying on his lap. He placed his fingers behind jisung's ear and started scratching and rubbing it for comforting the younger boy.

(Like a cute dog😍)

Jisung wasn't expecting it so a very quiet gasp left his mouth. He was to tired to actually react, but he knew that it felt so good that when he closed his eyes, they weren't opening back up. So he finally decided to just fall into it and go to sleep.

           THE NEXT MORNING✨

Minho's alarm started going off from his phone that was sitting on the couch arm rest next to him. He very tiredly grabbed it and turned it off. He looked at the time and it was 6:00. He was about to get up but he felt weight on his legs when he tried to move them.

Oh god

He started gently shaking the sleeping boy but got no response. So he shook a little harder and jisung started moving a little bit. "Jisungie, it's time to get up." he whispered.

"Minhooo" Was all jisung could mumble out.

Minho's breathe hitched..the way jisung said his name made him love it.

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