First Kiss.

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Seungmin gave Jisung some good clothes to wear to the bar, and of course, since Seungmin took him to the bathroom to change, he would be the first one to see it.

Jisung came out of the bathroom and came into view of Seungmin's eyes, The outfit looked way better on Jisung than he thought it would, in fact, he himself was getting a little distracted.

                   Jisung's outfit.

Jisung used his arms to try and cover the skin that was showing because of the shirt, "Seungmin is this really necessary? Isn't it a bit much?"

"No, of course not, You going to a bar pretending to be the boyfriend of the most known mafia boss, I think this is what people are expecting."

Jisung widened his eyes, "People? There's going to be multiple people? I thought it was just going to be that higher-up guy."

"HAN, He is a higher-up in our world, he isn't going to meet a mafia boss by himself, of course, he's going to bring some bodyguards with him.... plus a girl since it's a couples bar."

Jisung sighed trying to accept it.

"Enough stalling," Seungmin said, "Go to the boss, he's waiting for you."

Seungmin smirked as watched Jisung walk away, he knew what he was doing when he gave Jisung that outfit.

Boss is going to go crazy.

Seungmin thought.


Jisung walked outside to see Minho leaning on his car waiting for him.

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