The truth part 2

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As jisung got a gun out of his locker he found Antonio staring at him. He got chills down his spine. And it's not that he was scared of him. Antonio just made him uncomfortable, because what he is doing is bringing back all of those bad memories. But jisung has to remind himself.

Remember, this is only fair.

He walked past him and as he as about to reach the office he heard something death threatening..


HAN stopped dead in his tracks, he felt as if death was hovering over him waiting to drop. He turned around to see seungmin.

"That's your name right?" seungmin asked.

Jisung widened his eyes.

"Your, the one that went missing from 3RACHA."

Jisung walked towards seungmin and dragged him into the bathroom. "Don't be so loud about it." he said angrily.

"HAN, Why didn't you tell anybody you were knowing we were looking for you?"

Jisung stayed silent for a minute. "..How did you find out?"

"Felix is a hacker, he would have found out sooner or later, but once I found out it was you I told him to stop looking into your personal life."

"Thank you seungmin."

Seungmin was getting impatient. "You still haven't answered my question, why didn't you tell anyone? and better yet, why didn't you tell boss?"

Jisung sighed.

"I..have a long, disturbing, hard past  with the name So bringing it up and talking about it just kills me..The name HAN is my new fresh start."

Seungmin became filled with pity. "I get that, but boss would understand you. If bringing it up hurts that much then you NEED to bring it up. It's the only way to let it go."

Jisung looked down. "Seungmin, what do you do..when you feel like you don't belong. When you feel like everyone else's strengths out weigh yours, so you feel so useless and invaluable, and not even sure why your still here in the first place.."

Seungmin took a long hard look at jisung. He was in disbelief that someone so talented who can do everything the others can do plus some more...can think so little of himself.

"Listen HAN." He placed a hand on jisung's shoulder. "Not everyone has the same strengths. But that doesn't mean that people are weaker than others. No one out weighs anyone here because we're all special."

Jisung scoffed. "Your just saying that because you don't want to hurt my feelings."

HAN..when you joined, even though you could do so much, I thought that you didn't belong here, and that you shouldn't be here..Also, I was a little mad that boss would be going easy on you for..his own reasons."

Jisung lifted his head being sad that seungmin thought he doesn't belong here. But also confused about what he just said about Minho.

Seungmin saw the confused look on jisung and continued talking so he wouldn't ask questions. "But then I saw you beat the best member here in a matter of 2 minutes. And after that I heard about the job you did with boss. It took only one day for you to change my mind. So even if everything and everyone was rated on strengths, you would be at the top."

Jisung smiled. "Do you think boss thinks I belong here to?"

Seungmin laughed knowing the answer. "Why don't you ask him yourself."

The air felt opened to jisung now, and his body was no longer tensed. He bowed to seungmin and started to leave.

"And one more thing, HAN."

The boy walking away around.

"Tell boss your"

Jisung nodded and walked to Minho's office to see Minho talking his pen on his desk.

"Hello, sir.."

Minho looked up fastly hearing jisung's voice and sighed in relief.

"HAN, what the hell took you so long?"

"Sorry, I ran into seungmin and we started talking."

Minho put his pen down and stood up. "It's okay, just don't take so long next time..I was getting worried."

Jisung tilted his head in confusion.


"Oh, well I'm sorry sir."

Minho hummed in response.

"Let's go, Piere is already having to wait an hour to see us."

As Minho was about to walk out he was stopped by the sudden soft low volumed tone in jisung's voice. "wait..please."

The older turned around. "What is it?"

"I have something to tell you."

Minho was waiting. And jisung took a deep breath.

You can do this, just tell him.


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