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Minho slowed down his crying and made eye contact with Seungmin.."He...Is he going to be okay? Really?"

"Yes sir... He just needs surgery, the men I sent to take him are driving as fast as they can."

Minho took deep breaths, they were very deep because he was sobbing so much he didn't have time to breathe at all.

"W-Well, why couldn't I go with him?!"

"Because I Wanted you to deal with the person who got him shot."

Minho's expression darkened, now that he knew Jisung was going to be okay, he became angry...very angry.


His breath became unsteady with overwhelming vengeance, he turned around to see every 3RACHA member not able to move since multiple guns were pointed at them... Minho's members waited for orders from him on what to do.

He walked over to the man who shot Jisung, took a gun from one of his members, and shot the guy right in his chest...

When he shot him, the room became filled with gasps as they were all now scared, Minho stood there after he shot him and thought of Jisung...

He's going to be okay... Seungmin said so..

"Sir, are you okay?" Seungmin asked...

Minho looked at Seungmin, he was going to answer honestly...

"No, Suengmin, I'm not.."

He looked at the strange-looking guy and his members.."Which two of you are Taemin and Jackson?"

Nobody answered and it frustrated Minho...

"If you don't answer me right now I swear to god I will kill everyone in front of me."

The strange guy, whose name is yet to be known, grew fearful of those words and instantly pushed Taemin and Jackson out of the crowd, and they were shivering in fear...

"So, you two are Taemin and Jackson? I'm sure you remember Jisung after these couple of years, correct?"

They both nodded their heads.

Minho pointed his gun at them.."Good, then I will let you decide who dies first... Because I don't care either way."

The men widened their eyes and Seungmin whispered in Minho's ear, "Sir, are you not going to torture them?"

"I never said I was going to kill them just yet, this is just a way to scare them, I....learned it from Jisung. But I am going to let them decide because like I said, I don't care either way."

The way Minho spoke was not normal, it was raspy and intimidating, and way darker than normal..and Seungmin realized that... If anyone were to mess with Minho right now or do one thing to piss him off, he would show no mercy to anyone in the room.

He was a ticking bomb...

Then, Jackson spoke up.."W-We can't decide... We don't want to die."

"So you want me to choose?" Minho asked, "Well then, Jackson, I choose you first."

Jackson's eyes widened in fear as some of Minho'e members dragged him outside and into a car.

"And you, Taemin... I only need one of you to avenge Jisung, besides, I really feel like killing someone again.."

With those words said, Minho shot fire at Taemin and a bullet went through his head as his, now lifeless, body fell to the ground.

There was only one more person to deal with, and Minho saved the best for last...

"You... I assume your the leader of 3RACHA, what's your name?"

"...It's kai.."

"Kai.." Minho repeated, "Kai... Do you realize the mafia you just tried to take over?" Minho raised his gun at him, "Or the man you just had someone shoot?"

Kai spoke, "I do realize the mafia I just tried to take over, and I do know the man I had someone shoot... But what I don't know, is who he is to you, why were you going to give everything up for him?"

Minho scoffed not even trying to hide anything anymore, "You really don't know? Isn't it obvious, or are you just stupid?... He is the man I love. Do you understand that? Do you understand the person you just shot is the man I love!" Minho had shouted a little bit.

"I do now.."

Minho felt so much anger that all he could do was laugh, "I hope you keep being brave because that is going to make it so much more fun when I fucking break you."

Minho signaled his members to take Kai, and he shot everybody else...

Seungmin followed Minho, "Sir, where are you going?"

"Is that even a question you need to ask, Seungmin? I'm going to Jisung."

"Well, what are you going to do about Kai?"

Minho stayed silent before speaking once more, "You think what I did to Antonio was bad? You haven't seen anything yet."

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