The scam behind the scam.

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Minho cleared his throat and roamed his eyes everywhere except where jisung was which caused jisung to snap out of his trance.

"Um, I laid paperwork on your desk. We should get to work."

"Yes sir."

Minho turned around and rolled his eyes.

It's okay, I just have to wait until we get back home so he can call my by name again.

Minho thought.

They both sat down and started working.

                   1 HOUR LATER

Someone knocked on the door and Jisung got up and opened it.

It was I.N.
"Hello, sir." I.N bowed.

Jisung sat down and kept quiet.

"What is it." Minho asked.

Jisung quickly looked at the older because of the sudden cold-dark tone that the Minho spoke with.

"I had met with woojin not that long ago. And I did my job as far as flirting  and getting on his good side, and it worked. He wants to see me tomorrow, I want to know what kind of information I need to get out of him." I.N asked.

Minho put his pen down. "Ask him about his background and what he used to do for a living."

I.N bowed respectfully and left. Whilst jisung exhaled a big breath since he was trying to be as quiet as possible.

And then seungmin walked in.

Minho kept himself from rolling his eyes and spoke. "What is it, seungmin?"

Seungmin turned towards jisung. "Actually, I'm here for HAN."

Jisung looked confused.

"HAN, only if your comfortable with it, I need you to talk about 3RACHA."

Minho instantly looked up from his desk knowing that jisung easily gets anxiety when talking about this.

Jisung scratched the back of his neck. "I, um. I-I guess. What about them?"

Seungmin sat a file in front of jisung.

"Felix was looking into the scam issue that BTS did with 3RACHA. But as he was working..he found something odd that we can't figure out, I was hoping you could." Seungmin stated.

Jisung grabbed and opened the file, and Minho stood up curiously, then walked over to jisung's desk as he told next to seungmin.

Jisung sat up straight very tensely which caught Minho's attention.

"Is something wrong?" Minho asked softly to jisung.

Seungmin turned and looked at Minho as he had just heard a sweet tone in Minho's voice that he had never heard before.

"I-, Is this real, seungmin?" Jisung asked.

"Yes. We can't figure out what's going on, but we know it's not a coincidence, I was wondering if you could figure this out since you used to be a member of theirs.

"I.." Jisung hesitated. "I had no idea..what does this mean?"

Minho was getting impatient. "HAN, what is it?"

Jisung flipped the file around for Minho to see. "It shows here that BTS has scammed at least 7 gangs."

Seungmin and Minho payed close attention to jisung's words as he continued. "But the thing is..for all 7 of them including us..they took 1 million."

"That's a lot." Seungmin exclaimed.

"Yes..but as you've seen, on this side of the paper it shows they only TOOK IN 500,000..only half of it."

"And that is where it stumps us. I asked your help because-"

Jisung interrupted seungmin.

"Because 3RACHA met with BTS occasionally, as it says on the file."

"But that doesn't make any sense." Minho started. "Why would they meet with people who scammed them."

Jisung sat in silence for a minute when suddenly he widened his eyes and gasped as if he found something.

'What? What is it?" Seungmin asked.

Jisung stood up and pointed his finger on the file intensely. "On here it says that they stole one million from 7 groups, but only kept 500,000 from each group. leaving us to wonder where the rest of that money went right?'

"Yes?" Seungmin said confusingly.

"And it also says that these scams happened every month for 7 months."

"What are you trying to get at here?" Minho asked.

Jisung ran out of the office. Seungmin and Minho looked at each other confusingly and went to follow him.

Jisung ran into the computer room.

"HAN, what is going on?" Minho asked out of breath from chasing him.

Jisung went to a computer and started typing.

"BTS and 3RACHA met every month, for 7 months!" Jisung exclaimed while pointing at the computer.

The two boys behind jisung looked at each other with a 'no way' look.

"And if you look at his closer.." Jisung said as he typed the enter button of the keyboard. "3RACHA has gotten 500,000 every month for 7 months. BTS sometimes 'scam' them of little money to make it look like they are against each other."

"Wait, what does this mean?" seungmin asked.

Jisung ignored and went on talking.
"Also, another thing. I told you, boss, that I heard of you guys through them. But I didn't tell you what they said about our mafia."

"Then tell us, word for word, what they said." Minho said calmly.

"They said 'There is a gang which is soon to be a mafia starting to rise named stray kids. At the rate they are growing, they will be the biggest empire here soon, and at that point we take it from them but we can't do it without help.'. Thats what they said." Jisung stated as he went back to the computer to type something else.

"3RACHA and BTS split the one million each time. and It shows here that the purchases made with this money have been on guns, ammo, bulletproof vests, and medicine. Even though they are already both stacked."

"So that means..?" Seungmin trailed off.

"It means that BTS and 3RACHA are working together to take down stray kids!" Jisung yelled.

Seungmin and Minho both widened there eyes.

"Oh my god. Thank you for this information HAN. I will inform the others so they know." Seungmin said as he walked off with a fast pace.

Jisung watched seungmin walk off, and the he turned to Minho who was standing there..smirking at him.

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