Say my name.

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Seungmin and Minho entered the computer room where felix and hyunjin we're. They both bowed to Minho. 

"Hello sir, are you ready to see the emails?".

"Of course..why ask?" Minho said curiously.

"Because...They mentioned HAN."

Minho's body became tense, and then he became cold.
"show me."

Felix pulled  up the emails between 3RACHA and BTS, and Minho leaned in and started to read.

                THE EMAILS.

We expaned our team same
as you did, but i still
dont see how we will be able to
trick stray kids for

Stray kids are a
Mafia empire, you can't
Go wrong with using
Money as an excuse to meet
Up with them.

The leader is very
Clever. He has to be
If his name is know
Between all mafia's and
Gangs. We better hope
This works. We will see you soon.

Hang on, we're not
Doing anything until
You tell us who this
Is in stray kids.

"Well, where are the rest of the emails?!" Minho yelled.

"Sir..these emails are extremely recent, we won't
get the rest at least until sunday." (3 days from now.)

"Start trying to find a way to get them sooner. Now!"

"I can try sir, but its not a guarentee."

                  JISUNG'S P.O.V

I couldn't throw punches anymore. I've been fighting the pain for a while, but now my arms are just numb. I don't know if you've tried boxing with bruised arms..but it hurts.

I tilted my head back and took deep breaths. I was dripping sweat.

I walked to the black tinted wall and saw my reflection. Looking at myself feels so weird, and I hate it. Why do I always feel so ugly, I constantly want to cover myself so I can feel comfortable. I hate looking at myself but yet..I still am.

                  MINHO'S P.O.V

"I'm gonna head back to my office. Felix, keep trying to get those emails. And seungmin, I need you to get I.N."

I saw seungmins face look confused, but he then went to go get him. I walked out of the computer room and down the hallway. But I stopped once I saw jisung just staring at the wall. I turned and faced him, and even though he can't see me, I felt like he was staring at me. So I stared back.

He's so..pretty. he looks like a dark, beautiful, angel. I've never seen anyone or anything for mezmorizing than him. He looks perfect.

                 NO ONE'S P.O.V

As Minho was staring at jisung through the wall, I.N appeared. "You wanted to see me, sir?"

"I.N, what time will you meet up with woojin tomorrow?'

"around noon, why?

"I want you to find a way to ask him about HAN, but when you ask say don't asked why, just do it."

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