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"and did you have other relationships after achille's father left ?"

"let's just say it was never anything serious, and achille never knew them, I never told him about them, I didn't see the point because I knew they wouldn't stay long"

Kylian and Camélia walked side by side, almost brushing hands from time to time, making the two young adults blush. It was a bit chilly but bearable, especially as the PSG footballer had insisted on giving her his jacket. So Camélia wasn't cold; on the contrary, for her it made the atmosphere warm and pleasant.

"Well, they don't know what they're missing".

Camélia blushed, she had the impression that she had spent the evening doing nothing but blushing and smiling like an idiot.

"and you ? you've already had relationships I suppose"

"yes, but it often didn't last long, it ended because the media came snooping into their affairs, but it has to be said that there were some who didn't understand the meaning of the word 'discretion'" he joked, which made Camélia laugh.

"oh really ?"

"They liked to expose themselves to me, a bit too much even, they almost all used my famous side and forgot who I really was" he admitted with a sad smile which saddened the young woman who was watching him closely.

"it sucks to take advantage of people like this"

"I agree with you"

the two of them moved closer and closer physically, kylian put an arm around hers while she rested her head on his shoulder, there was a pleasant silence that had fallen between the two young people, they felt so comfortable together that they could say nothing if they wished, but the desire to get to know each other prevailed and drove their discussions.

"And Camavinga, have you known him long then ?" he asked to lighten the mood.

"mmh... well, it was Primavera who introduced me to Eduardo and Aurélien, maybe a year ago, but we got close straight away because I liked the feeling between us".

"do you prefer him to aurélien ?"

"I wouldn't say that, but let's just say that Aurélien was very often stuck on Primavera, so I didn't really get to know him as well as edu, although I really like him too".

"and kepa ?" he asked hesitantly, which made camélia laugh softly.

"kepa, it's strange to say this but I met him on the day of the wedding too, like you, given that ben and kai are caly and persia's boyfriends, kepa came too, but primavera likes him a lot which is why she invited him too. and as I told you before, he's a lovely person and I enjoy having him as a friend"

"damn, you know a lot of footballers, so you are close to the chelsea squad ?"

"apart from kai, ben and kepa not really, I just know mason quickly, but I wouldn't say I'm close to the others although I wouldn't mind because I've already met them and they're all very nice"

"and what do you think of the french team?"

"I don't know, I didn't get to know them very well on the day of the wedding, apart from one who spilt champagne on my friend" she said, which made Kylian laugh.

"Are you sure about that ?"

"ah yes maybe... there's one I quite like..." she said what immediately caught his attention

"Can I ask who it is ?" he asked, trying as best he could to hide the jealousy in his tone.

"I don't know if you know who he is... he doesn't have much hair but he scored a hat-trick in the World Cup final and I think he likes platypuses; he told me that" she teased him, kylian couldn't help but smile until it almost hurt.

"Unfortunately, I can't see who he is". he said, pursing his lips as he tried to keep his smile from widening

"that's a shame, but he's very attractive" she added 

"oh really ? don't you think he's got a head like a ninja turtle?"

Camélia laughed at what he'd just said

"maybe, but turtles are some of my favourite animals, because they're cute, but normally he already knows that because I told him ".

"he must know a lot about you then" he said, pausing for a moment

"indeed" she said, pausing in her turn

"and... do you know if he can kiss you ?" he had the courage to ask, which surprised the young woman

"perhaps, but I thought you didn't know him" she said, still teasing him, which made him laugh softly

"I know him more than well" he said, leaning towards her.

He placed his hand on her cheek and they looked at each other for a long moment. Kylian watched her to see if she agreed to let him kiss her and Camélia smiled at him, which he took as a green light before he pressed his lips against hers. the kiss was both sweet and addictive, neither of them wanting to stop kissing

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