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Eduardo had done his best to reassure Kylian, but was forced to hang up the phone at the risk of his kitchen catching fire from the Brazilian and the Korean footballers, who certainly didn't know how to cook pasta. Kylian was left alone with his thoughts, which he couldn't stop going over and over in his head.

Why on earth was achille on this guy's story ?
And why in god's name had he put "my baby" as a caption on his insta story ????
Was he achille's biological father ?
Then why hadn't Camélia told him about it ?

even though he'd asked her ??!

she told him she'd lost touch with him because he'd cut her off !

He didn't like this feeling, this feeling of not being able to control anything, but also this horrible feeling that made him jealous of this man.

what place did joshua occupy in camélia's life ?

He remembered that Camélia only introduced people worth knowing to her son, which was why Kylian was "lucky" enough to know Achille, even though he'd met him by chance on the day of Primavera and Aurélien's wedding.

what if kylian had been messing around with her all along ???

After all, he'd never officially asked her to be his girlfriend and Camélia had never asked him to be her boyfriend ?
What if it was all in his head ?
the Frenchman was lost, he didn't know what to think. he was making up his own theories in his mind and it was driving him crazy.

He looked again at his Instagram stories, and the one with Achille was surely the one that was hurting him the most. He'd grown attached to the child, very much so, and he'd thought that if he ever dated Camélia, he'd have no trouble thinking of him as his own son.

but that was before these instagram stories.

the psg footballer got carried away too quickly, imagining too many things with a woman who wasn't even sure she loved him back. That's what kylian thought, anyway.

his phone rang, he rushed to pick it up hoping it was her, but it was eduardo, he rolled his eyes and sighed before picking up.

"Feeling better ?" he asked hesitantly.

"I don't know... I feel like shit a bit, I feel like I've been used"

"don't say that, I think you're jumping to conclusions, if you ask me, that must be his Korean version of a best friend" said eduardo as he ate some pasta that looked a little too crunchy to be pasta.

"he's perfect for her though..." kylian admitted with difficulty, both were American and of Korean descent, they were the same, it was as if the two had found each other perfectly, especially as they lived in Korea and it was probably easier to manage a relationship like that than a long-distance one

"they may have a lot in common, strangely enough, but that doesn't mean anything" eduardo said as he checked out his wikipedia page, damn all the things he'd accomplished as a singer and member of the band seventeen was impressive, this guy had to be not only popular in korea but internationally too

"damn, he can play guitar too..." kylian sighed heavily.

"it's croccante not al dente what have you done to my pasta ?" eduardo said to the boys while kylian mumbled to himself.

"I'll leave you to it, I think I'll go to bed" the Frenchman said as he hung up before eduardo could say anything or offer to come and eat some half-crispy pasta with him.

Kylian tried to stop himself from looking at all the information about a certain Joshua, but he couldn't. He was older than him, but it was as if he looked younger than him at the same time. There was nothing wrong with this guy. He was handsome, he seemed kind, he was like Prince Charming straight out of a fairy tale. Worst of all, he was sincerely perfect for Camélia : American, Korean origins, lives in Korea... and is close to Achille, as far as Kylian could tell.

he ended up blocking him on instagram, despite the fact that he had never followed him, he couldn't see him anymore, in fact he didn't want to see him anymore, certainly not if it was to hurt himself again seeing achille and camélia being so close to this guy.

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