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and just as quickly, achille had disappeared to find his uncle chatting with other guests, leaving Camélia speechless. Her four-year-old son had just abandoned her to have a conversation with the man she despised most but unfortunately also loved most.

"well achille's gone, what do you want now kylian ?" camélia said with a cold tone, so cold that it surprised both kylian and herself because she didn't think she was capable of being so mean in her tone of voice

"cam... I'm sorry for everything I said to you" he said, closing the bathroom door behind him.

Camélia leaned against the sink, her hands resting on the marble, her head tilted to one side as if she seemed to be waiting for more explanation than that.

"sorry for what ? there's so much I don't know what you're talking about kylian"

"I know I know-"

"you literally decided to stop everything overnight without giving me a fucking good reason ! i don't think you realize how hurtful it was for me ! hurtful to see how attached i was to you and how much achille loved you too, and besides he still loves you too much in my opinion"

Kylian's heart broke even more, she was right, he had been selfish and had thought only of himself and his well-being by letting her marinate in his thoughts.

"you never answer my calls, and suddenly you tell me you're busy with your busy schedule ? how am i supposed to understand this when just a few days ago you said you wanted to enjoy our last few weeks here with me and achille ? tell me how was i supposed to feel at that moment ? i know i'm not your girlfriend, i never was and maybe that's why you decided to stop all of a sudden, but i needed a reason kylian, is that too much to ask ?!" camélia said all she had to say, not realizing that tears were streaming down her cheeks.

as kylian approached her to wipe them away, she pushed him away with her hand.

"you even said our kisses meant nothing and that you were just having fun with me, do you know how much that hurt me ? how humiliated, betrayed and used i felt ?"

"I know and I'm sorry, I honestly didn't mean it" kylian says as she places her hand on his arm.

"you're pathetic" camélia said as she removed her hand before trying to leave the bathroom, but kylian held her back by the hand

"just listen to me... I let you talk because I wanted to know what you were thinking before I could speak and now that I know how much I've hurt you, let me explain so you can try to understand a little bit the stupid reasons that made me say that to you"

camélia then leaned against the bathroom door, waiting for him to speak, kylian handed her tissues to wipe away her tears. god, he hated this feeling of having made her cry, he hated himself for having hurt her when he loved her so much.

"It sounds stupid but... I was jealous, when I saw your story on instagram with joshua and the fact that he'd also posted a story with achille it made me come up with stories in my head... completely stupid and absurd"

the young woman frowned

"I thought Joshua was Achille's biological father and that you were hiding it from me, so I completely messed up. I told Eduardo about it and he tried to reason with me, but he couldn't. And when I saw you with Achille, I thought he was my biological father. And when I saw you with him, as sublime as you are, with him by your side, I was completely delirious. And then I learned from gue-sung that joshua was your brother and that I'd just been being a stubborn guy to protect my feelings and myself from getting hurt again."

"so... you only learned tonight that josh was my brother ?" she asked stunned because what he had just confided in her

"that's right" he nodded

"but why didn't you just ask me that instead of making things up like that ?" camélia softened, not understanding how it was possible to believe that joshua could have been achille's father.

"Because I felt that if I asked, I'd come across as a madman who wanted to control everything in your life, asking who and what man you were hanging out with... when I'm not even your boyfriend yet, and I didn't want to come across as a man who prevents the woman he loves from seeing her boy's friends" kylian admitted embarrassed.

camélia sighed

"know that I never meant any of the things I said to you in messages, I just needed to get away from you to avoid..."

"to be hurt I know..." camélia answered in his place

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