Teamwork Makes the Screenwork

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The six were all in Nova Corps Headquarters as Peter talked to Dey. "Why would you even know this?" Peter asked.

"When we arrested you, we noticed an anomaly in your nervous system, so we had it checked out."

"I'm not Terran?"

"You are half Terran. Your mother was of earth. Your father, well . . . he's something very ancient we've never seen here before."

"That could be why you were able to hold the stone for as long as you did." Gamora said.

A door opened as Neyzira, Drax, and Rocket walked in, Rocket holding a pot with a tiny Groot planted in it.

"Look, look!" Neyzira happily made her way over to Peter and Gamora with a book in her hands. "I able to get this from store, they give me discount for saving planet." She smiled and showed them it was a thick dictionary that said 'Molzuran to Modern English' on the front.

The two smiled back at her. "That's great, Neyzira." Peter said, giving her a high-five.

"Your friends have arrived." Nova Prime said. "On behalf of the Nova Corps, we'd like to express our profound gratitude for your help in saving Xandar. If you will follow Denarian Dey, he has something to show you."

"Thank you, Nova Prime." Peter nodded.

"Thank you." Gamora smiled, as the team followed Dey, she walked next to Drax. "Your wife and child shall rest well knowing that you have avenged them."

"Yes. Of course, Ronan was only a puppet. It's really Thanos I need to kill."

⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰

The team followed Dey outside, who took them to the restored Milano, they all smiled, especially Peter.

"We tried to keep it as close to the original as possible." Dey said. "We salvaged as much as we could."

"Wow. I . . ." Peter was speechless. "Thank you."

"I have a family who are alive because of you. Your criminal records have also been expunged. However, I have to warn you against breaking any laws in the future." Dey told them.

"Question." Rocket began. "What if I see something that I want to take, and it belongs to someone else?"

"Well you will be arrested."

"But what if I want it more than the person who has it?"

"Still illegal."

"That doesn't follow. No, I want it more, sir. Do you understand?" Rocket turned to Gamora, who laughed. "What are you laughing at? Why? I can't have a discussion with this gentleman?" He followed Gamora toward the Milano.

"What if someone does something irksome and I decide to remove his spine?" Drax asked Dey.

"That's . . . that's actually murder. It's one of the worst crimes of all, so also illegal."

"Hmm." Drax nodded.

"It actually really good you ask that, I do that before." Neyzira told him.

"Me too." Drax replied as the two started making their way to the Milano.

"They'll be fine, Dey. I'm gonna keep an eye on 'em." Peter said.

"You?" He chuckled.

"Yeah, me."

⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰

Inside the Milano, Peter sat in the pilot's seat while Gamora leaned against it, Neyzira sat down reading her dictionary, and Drax smiled at Rocket, who looked at the now awakening little Groot plant.

"So, what should we do next?" Peter asked. "Something good? Something bad? A bit of both?"

"We'll follow your lead, Star-Lord." Gamora smiled, placing her hand on Peter's chair.

A smirk rode up Peter's face. "Bit of both!"

𝙁𝘼𝙉𝙂𝙎 - 𝑮𝒖𝒂𝒓𝒅𝒊𝒂𝒏𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑮𝒂𝒍𝒂𝒙𝒚Where stories live. Discover now