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On the Sovereign, Peter, Gamora, Neyzira, Drax, and Rocket stood around, all of them wearing Aero-Rigs but Drax.

"Show time, A-holes!" Peter exclaimed, looking at a GPS device. "It will be here any minute."

"Which will be its last." Gamora said, reloading her gun.

Peter raised a brow. "I thought your thing was a sword."

"We've been hired to stop an interdimensional beast from feeding on those batteries and I'm going to stop it with a sword?" Gamora questioned, a bit shocked at Peter's pettiness.

"It's just . . . swords were your thing and guns were mine, but . . . I guess we're both doing guns now. I just didn't know that." He said passive-aggressively, looking back down at his device.

"What's my thing?" Neyzira asked, her English was clearer than before, not perfect, but definitely better, though her accent still stuck around and was extremely prominent.

"I don't know, cannibalism?" Peter answered, she gave him a 'fair enough' look as she shrugged.

Gamora turned to Drax. "Drax, why aren't you wearing one of Rocket's Aero-Rigs?"

"It hurts."

"It hurts?"

". . . I have sensitive nipples."

Rocket broke out into laughter, speaking in a mocking tone. "Wa-ha-ha-ha! My nipples hurt! Oh, goodness me!" Neyzira started laughing so loud she was basically cackling.

"What about him, what's he doing?" Drax asked the rest, pointing to Rocket who was working on some speakers.

"I'm finishing this so we can listen to tunes while we work."

"How is that important?"

"Blame Quill, he's the one who loves music so much!"

"No, I actually agree with Drax on this," Peter began. "That's hardly important right now."

"Oh, okay, sure Quill." Rocket winked.

"No, seriously, I side with Drax."

"I understand that, you're being very serious right now." Rocket continued winking.

"I can clearly see you winking!" Drax exclaimed.

"Damn, I'm using my left eye?" Rocket asked.

Baby Groot suddenly ran over, slapping an orloni away, causing it to run off.

Neyzira gasped before walking over. "Groot, you should not be beating orlonis." She angrily put her hands on her hips like a disapproving mother. "Your young mind is too sensitive to be being active in dark content like this. You're not British!"

"I am Groot." Groot angrily stated.

"They were not looking at you funny." Rocket replied, the device in Peter's hand started beeping rapidly. Lighting occured with a green and bluish color in the sky, shining bright through the clouds. Out came the Abilisk, falling down to the ground. "Oh, well that's intense.'

Everyone got ready to fight. Neyzira unsheathed her claws, Drax got his knives out, Gamora had her gun ready, Rocket began flying in the air, followed by Peter doing the same. Just as they all ran toward the creature at once, Groot plugged in the cord to Peter's stereo as it started playing 'Mr. Blue Sky,' he shook his hips a little and then began to dance along with the song.

While blasting at the Abilisk, Peter messily landed next to Groot, he stopped blasting and stood back up as he saw Groot's dancing. "Groot." One of the Abilisk's tentacles smacked him away.

𝙁𝘼𝙉𝙂𝙎 - 𝑮𝒖𝒂𝒓𝒅𝒊𝒂𝒏𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑮𝒂𝒍𝒂𝒙𝒚Where stories live. Discover now