Let's Try This Again

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Tony Stark's funeral was held a week after the battle, and the Guardians were all in attendance. Neyzira wore the most formal outfit she ever had, which was just a black romper with a jacket.

Once the service was over, they headed back to Tony's lake house for a memorial, during which Pepper let a flower arrangement go adrift on the lake, in the center of which was an old arc reactor of Tony's. Neyzira stood beside the rest of her teammates, who now all wore black.

All of the Guardians were eager to get back to the galaxy, including Neyzira, who apparently hated Earth.

Later on, the team boarded their ship and flew to New Asgard, where they would be picking up Thor. The God of Thunder had decided to accompany them on their next adventure, and despite Peter's hesitance, the team managed to persuade him.

Neyzira found Peter looking at a picture of Gamora, scanning for her wherever he could. "Any luck?"

"No," Peter replied. "But we'll find her."

It took a moment, but Neyzira nodded, although she jumped when a happy voice called out behind her. "Tree! Good to see you!" Neyzira turned to see Thor drop his bag on the table and noticed the way Peter quickly closed the screen of Gamora and tensed up. "The Asgardians of the Galaxy back together again." Thor chuckled and Neyzira's jaw dropped. "Where to first?"

He proceeded to mess around with the screen in front of Peter, who did not look impressed. "Hey. Just so you know, this is my ship still." Peter reminded. "I'm in charge."

"I know, I know," Thor replied. "Of course you are. Of course."

Thor touched the map again and Peter gritted his teeth. "See, you say 'of course,' but then you touch the map. It makes me think that maybe you didn't realize I was in charge."

"Quail, that's your own insecurities in there," Thor replied.


"Okay? I am merely trying to be of service and assisting," Thor continued.

"Quill," Peter corrected.

"That's what I said," Thor replied.

"You should fight one another for the honor of leadership," Drax suggested.

"Sounds fair," Nebula added.

"Do rock-paper-scissors," Neyzira smiled. She made it law on Sakaar that be used to settle all trials and debates.

"It's not necessary, okay?" Peter replied.

"It's not," Thor agreed.

"I got some blasters, unless you guys wanna use knives?" Rocket offered.

"Oh, yes! Please, use knives," Mantis grinned.

"That works," Neyzira shrugged.

"Yeah, knives," Drax agreed.

"I am Groot."

Peter and Thor laughed after a moment of tense silence. "Not necessary." Peter said.

"There shall be no knifing one another," Thor confirmed. "Everybody knows who's in charge."

There was a tense silence before Peter spoke. "Me. Right?"

"Yes, you," Thor laughed. "Of course. Of course. Of course."

The more he said 'of course,' the more Neyzira got the feeling he was taunting Peter. "Wow, who needs crime-fighting when there's so much drama?" She chuckled.

"Hey, Neyz, you told everyone about your time as royalty yet?" Rocket asked loudly.

"Rocket, I was gonna!" Neyzira whined and shot him a glare. "And I was do it way better than you did, I was thinking of a pun!"

"What royalty?" Peter asked.

"Yeah, what royalty?" Drax asked.

"Neyzira here ran off to Sakaar for a while and took over the government," Rocket said, gesturing to Neyzira. "It was very messy."

"Yeah, when we found her she was really egotistical," Nebula told the team. "If there wasn't a group of slaves standing around I would've punched her."

"Hey, I don't like that word!" Neyzira angrily pointed.

"Punch?" Mantis asked.

"No, the 'S' word," Neyzira whined. "We prefer the term 'servants' and 'prisoners with jobs.'" She then grinned with a chuckle. "It was a great couple of years, I could write a book on it . . . about me." She bragged.

"I think they would be more interested in the time travel." Rocket commented.

Peter looked at them in confusion. "Time travel?"

[A/N: Gonna drop the Love and Thunder chapter and then the Christmas special (which Neyzira will have her own subplot on Earth in) — which are both long chapters because I don't want to split them up — and then we will officially enter Act Five, which is totally SUBLIME!]

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