26: Alarm

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Delilah was finally back from whatever it was that she was doing and we finally had a play date and we could catch up on everything Jules and Rye were still out doing things so Delilah couldn't have a cool day like I did before.

"So what's been happening?" She asks as we sit there in the play room blanket fort. We had just played for a few hours and got bored we both had exited our safe headspaces and just felt like talking.

"Will's been over working himself, sage is in the dungeon, Will is making us do random safty drills if daddy doesn't eat I don't eat now. Ummmm." I sat with my finger on my chin trying to think if anything else happened. "And thats it I think." She sat with enlarged eyes.

"Safty drills?" She asks in disbelief. "We've never had to do safety drills. In all my years of living here and even before, I've- Will.... we are yhe strongest coven out there but we are the most peaceful. We don't actuvly involve ourselves with fights and everything. We make peace with humans and werewolves and every single creature out there. We have never needed a safty protocol." I look at her confused.

"Nothing's going to happen isn't it?" I ask grabbing a teddy from beside me, concern and worry filling my bones.

"I'm sure it's fine." She places a soft hand on my shoulder, her eyes told her real thoughts. She didn't think it was fine at all. I already knew that there would be a meeting.

Blaring sirens filled the rooms. My heart beat quickened instantly I held tight to the teddies. Will entered the room, eyes widened basicly shaking. He held his hand out to us to show us where to go. Delilah and I shot up from out seats and ran towards him and he hurried us up two flights of stairs and into a hidden room where other vampires were sat when we enterd the door slammed loud behind us. Tears streamed heavily like like starting a tap down both Delilah's and mine eyes. True fear was felt throughout the small contained packed room. Maids, butlers, other humans only here for feeding. I pulled Delilah into my arms as we both fell to the floor not knowing what was going on. If this was a drill or if this was for real. I was informed not even Daddy would know if it was a real deal or if it was a drill.

Minuets passed, Delilah and I had calmed down it was silent in the room. No one made small talk or anything. Just breathing. It was hot and stuffy, it reminded me of the closet back at home. I felt safe. Even if it wasn't actually confined, with as many bodies in here a person could easily get claustrophobia. No windows no white light, just a dim red shining light. After a while I counted how many times it had spun to keep my mind occupied. 538, 539, 540. The door opened.

Will returned, relief painted on his face. Sweat drenched his clothes and his hair, his skin glistened against the red spinning light, I refrained from jumping and hugging him as he began a speech.

"Everything is in the clear." He began to explain, the red light turned off and an overhanging light shun, illuminating the whole room. "It was all just a drill. These will happen unexpectedly from now on due to the threat of rogue werewolf attacks becoming recent and closer to the coven." His hand made it to his hair sleeking it back looking a little exhausted. "We are attempting to gain control over the situation so it is nothing to be worried about just yet." This calmed everyone's tension yet were still worried and concerned. "When the alarms begin, you find the nearest safe room. The doors will not be closed untill the room is filled with compacity or under threat. There will be a soldier by every room who will attempt as many people as possible. If there are none you see you go up the stairs. Not down towards a fight. These rooms are sound proof, fire proof and will usually contain at least one human as to make sure there is a feed for a longer lock down. You are to keep composed and ready at all times to go to one of these rooms. No wolf can get in. This is your only means of safty. You are all dismissed." He finally said moving to the side watching as everyone fired out. I waited for everyone else to leave before running and jumping into daddies arms jumping up wrapping my legs around him stood next to us awaiting her daddy knowing he would show up soon.

"Dat wa scawy daddy." I complained placing my head in the crook of his shoulder. It was basically the perfect size for my head. Daddy had done the same with my neck holding me tightly like he would never let go. I took in his sent. It wasn't the best as he was just sweating probably dealing with everything, but he was here and he was fine and that's all I cared about.

"Dont worry baby I will never let anything happen to you." He consoled eventhough it wasn't me I was worried about. "Delilah your daddy should be here soon he's giving the same speech on the second floor stay here he's going to come to you." She expressed acknowledge and sat down by the door that was now being garden by a soldier like person. They weren't from this coven. I over head daddy calling in re enforcements and I am glad he did. I felt much safer with them around.

"Ion wan you get hewt" I pouted, my heart was still pounding at the thought of him leaving me in one of those rooms and never coming back.

"I won't darling. I'll come back safe everytime and we can have cookies and cuddles and so many kisses every time no matter what." I nod squeezing him in my arms. It wasn't long before Charlie came up the stairs running towards Delilah spinning her around when he caught her. They bother where now on the ground whispering to each other. The alarm must have hurt people's ears since vampires have really good hearing and that was really loud.

"Why loud beep you eaw hewt?" I ask referring to the alarm.

"Vampires are sensitive yes, but we can still function darling boy." He whispered. "However a wolf is worse, they can't function at a certain volume, that volume, it slows them done and gives us a second to gather everything. However afterward we like to be quiet so our ears can heal." He explained carrying us down the stairs. Into our room and we cuddled for the afternoon not letting eachother go, clinging on for dear life.

I'm not very descriptive and will fix that in feature when I rewrite this. Also school started again lmao. Gotta use my brain now

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