64: senting

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"Ummm." I looked down now, realising they don't like it.

"Oh my life." Daddy said, seeing the pool. "How did you do this?" He was shocked and kinda seemed a slight bit angry but also impressed. "In half an hour?" He added. I had tears in my eyes. I thought they were going to be happy, but they're not really. It's more like the way they acted when I thought painting the walls was a good idea, and we couldn't get it off. Or when I put glitter in the carpet to make it pretty. Every time I leave the play room, I always have glitter on my now.

"Sowwy." I pout. I looked up through my eyelids. Dada seemed more angry than daddy.  Dada sighed and left the room for a minuet, causing the tears to fall from my eyes. I didn't want him to be angry. "I'm sorry, Daddy." My voice cracked, and Daddy picked me up. "Don be mad." My lip quivered.

"It's okay, bub. Dada's just really stressed out. He'll be okay in a minute. Let's go get Ezra a towel, and you both are helping clean this up." He looked over at Ezra. He also had tears in his eyes.

"Sorry, I didn't know he'd get mad. It's just really hot." He apologised, hiding himself. "I'm really sorry." His tears were also falling. Daddy walked to the cupboard.

"It's okay, Ezra. We left you two alone for half an hour, we should have expected something to happen, we weren't thinking. Here, dry up." Daddy looked away, holding out the towel to Ezra, who happily took the coverage and dried off, wrapping it around his body.

"I wan Dada." I cry. I missed him. He's been gone too long. I need him back. My therapist tells me i need to change my way of thinking. Instead of thinking he's never coming back, I've just replaced it with a need for him, but that's not what she meant. I know that. But meh. Small steps.

"Dada will be here in a second he's just taking a breather." I pout.

"Dada mad at me." I pout tears threatening to fall again.

"Not at you, baby, at the bad guys. He's just in a bad mood." He set me down on the end of the bed. "You know when a lot of bad things happen to you in a row and you don't feel good?" He asked. I nod. I felt sad most of the time. "Well, that's Dada right now. A lot has happened, and he's just in a bad mood. It's not at you, okay?" I nod, understanding. I still blamed myself.

"I'm sorry, it was my idea. He was too little to understand it was a bad idea. And I just thought it would be fun." Ezra stood next to us, towel wrapped around his shoulders like a Cape.

"It's okay, both of you. It was a bad idea, yes, but it's happened, and now all we can do is fix it. Josh will be in soon. He's just taking some deep breaths. I'm gonna go out and talk to him. Are you going to be okay?" He looked at me. I pout again. It's already been too long, but I nod.

"Not long." I demand. He agreed before leaving.

"Come on, Georgie, let's scoop up the water with the sippy cups and pour it out the window." He took my hand and led me to the pool, and we started grabbing cup fulls of water and pouring it out the window. I was trying to stop my cries. I understood that daddy didn't blame me and everything, but I still felt bad. "It's okay, Georgie. You're not gonna get in big trouble, I did most of it." I was sniffling while pouring the water. My arm was beginning to hurt. They've been gone too long. I sad down next to the box and just started crying. Ezra got scared and tried to calm me down. He touched my shoulder, and I started screaming. I didn't want to be touched. I just wanted my caregivers. I didn't know how to communicate that, so I just screamed. The scream caused Ezra to step back in fear, not knowing what to do.


I left the room. I intended only a few minutes at ost that this was going to take. Josh was slumped against the wall, head in his hands. I could see tears leaving his eyes. I silently sat down next to him. I've never seen him cry. Even when George was taken back at my mother's, he never cried. And here he was, tears falling now his face.

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