67: brother chat

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I awoke to a slight shake.

"Josh." I groaned, holding on tighter to George, who in his sleep wanted to get away pushing me slightly. "Joshua, wake up." I groaned again, realising it wasn't a dream and that I was awake. I rolled onto my back, freeing George from my tight hold. I squinted at the figure in the room. The night light that we turn on every night for George. Since being stuck in the basement, he hates the dare and is so scared of it. Will and I have become accustomed to sleeping with light on. "Will come on." It was Victor. I groaned, rubbing my eyes and going to roll over to stand up. I had no room and ended up on the floor.

"What do you want?" I asked, getting up and stretching my arms.

"I need to talk to you. Can you get dressed and come out." During the night, I had ripped off my shirt and pants, leaving me in a pair of boxers as it was too hot. Victor left the room, and I got changed. Geirge had woken up.

"Where going?" He asked, sitting up rubbing his eyes.

"I have to talk to my brother. Go back to sleep, baby. I'll be right outside and back in a jiffy." Geirge whined but complied and snuggled more into Will's embrace, who had also woken up during our talk but ignored it. I followed my brother out the door. My brother was slightly taller than me with similar features, tan skin, chestnut hair, and so on. (I don't actually remember Josh description lol soz if I said Smith else, lol) he was even more built than I was as he worked out every day, not really having anything else to do.

I closed the door behind me as we stepped out. I leaned against the door, still groggy from waking up. We stood in silence for a little as Victor was thinking of the words to say.

"So... I don't know why I'm coming to you for this but there really is no one else I can really go to. Dad wouldn't get it, and I'm sure he just doesn't care..." Vic tended to ramble when he was opening up to someone. He didn't do it often. I would never push him to get to the point. He'll get there when he gets the right words. "And I don't even think you could help, but I really need to talk to someone about it." He continued. I stayed quiet. "How did you know you liked those two? What was it that made you pick them? Woll was on an opposing team he wanted to rip your head off when you both met, and you kinda kidnapped his boyfriend. Then the boyfriend in question wouldn't stop screaming for months and hated you so much for the shitty act you did to him. So how on earth did you all get together? How did you just click?" He questioned. I knew his issue was him having feelings for Ezra. He never acted on his feelings, but by my assumption, he wanted to this time.

"It's different for everyone. There was a subconscious pull for me." I begin. "I wanted to be around him more as he never really treated me like royalty and wasn't scared of me in that kind of sense. He didn't care. Yet I still felt special. He didn't want anyone else in the pack during those months. Through every scream, through every tantrum, through literally everything that boy went through, he chose me. I dknt know exactly when I started to really like him but I did. However, I would have never acted on it as he was someone else's... a vampire none the less. I never expected to see him after he went back to Will. I spent nights yerning for the guy, I was sleepless. When I got a letter to come over, I was needless to say shocked. Invited by Will. I honestly thought the guy would kill me. I didn't sleep for nights, thinking he was going to just show up." I chuckle, reminiscing the lead up to my very happy relationship.

"So how did you first know that you liked Will?" He asked, leaning against the adjacent wall look of interest evident on his face.

"Well, at first, I just thought he was attractive. I'm not going to lie, but then I stayed there, and I saw how sensitive and loving he was. He tried to keep me away from big groups of vampires, knowing I was uncomfortable around them. He somehow just knew what was wrong with me. He showed me how things really worked in his covan to get rid of any misconceptions. He was just the sweetest, most loving man I had ever met, and I couldn't stop my heart from falling for him. I just felt different when I was around both of them." Victor looked at me with disgust.

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