49: The Mark

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3 days we spent at his mother's house. 3 days of pure bliss. Will's mother, whose name I soon found out was Rosalina, has been trying to help my separation anxiety by pushing me to my limits during play time and sleeping alone in a crib for nap times. Most of the time half way through I'd be pulled our after screaming alot.

It was nap time right now. I was stuck in the stupid crib stuck screaming and surrounded by bars.

"You can't just let him scream it out!" I head daddy fighting with his mum like he does every nap time.

"Give me your shirt." She argued ignoring his words. Daddy and Dada were silent for a minuet. Rosie walked in with two shirts. "Here." She said I had stopped screaming and took the two peices of fabric. They both smelt like daddy and Dada. Rosie carefully placed a dummy that was clipped to my shirt to my back into my mouth and layed me back down, I brought the shirts up to my face to take on the smell I didn't even realise Rosie had left and closed my most hated door and I didn't protest. I brought the shirts up to my nose taking a big wife of both of their foresty scents, both being a very different type of foresty. Dadas more earthy and dirt and Daddy's more trees and flowers.

That was the first time in the three days I've been here that I actually fell asleep peacefully during nap time.

(Will's pov)

I was shocked. Seeing my mother leave that room with no fits of screaming, crying or fighting. It was a true shock.

"So all it took were our shirts?" I asked looking at her like she was a witch. I truely believed that this woman had powers she just didn't tell anyone about we carefully left the area and moved to the lounge room.

"What have yous done to make him like that?" My mother asked sitting down on her round lounge that sat in the middle of an open large room.

"What do you mean?" I ask joining her in a seat Josh sat next to me wrapping an arm around my neck and pulling me into his chest.

"No one just gets seperation anxiety what have yous done?" I look up at Josh.

"Well he got really attached to Josh when he kidnapped him thinkingbi was brainwashing George, I guess the stress of the move and being separated from me triggered him into the seperation. But I don't know why it happened with me. If that makes sense." I explain, holding onto Josh's arm.

"Uh huh. Let me guess. You acted exactly like your father in your study all day and he barely got any separation. Or maybe something happened before he came to you. You need to get to thr root of this to help him. Which means a conversation you know that right?" I nod my head figuring out how I was going to bring that up with George. Josh and I were in eachothers arms and I was pretty much falling asleep when there was a sudden loud BANG from Geirges room.

Josh and I jumped up and I sped to his room in an instant ripping the door off its hinges Josh came close behind. As we were in there we saw George silently sleeping our shirts close to his face and a darkend figure standing over him I couldn't distinguish if it was a demon, a spirit, a mimic, or something else, it was doing something to George, hovering it's hand over his head. When it spotted us it turned into a dark mist and wafted out the window. Josh and I were quick to georges side, seeing a dark mark on his neck. A mark. A claim. Tears pricked my eyes. Some creature has claimed George.

I look up at Josh who seemed to understand the situation, my mother walked in wondering what all the noise was about. I let out a sob and showed her. Not knowing what species it was worsened everything. No clue how to get rid of the mark. A mark, a claim, it's for life. Some, if done with magic you can get rid of it, bur you have to know what species did it, every extraction process was different based of the species. We'll never find out. We don't know what this claim will do, what side effects it has. What will it do to George. Is it even really a mark or is it a curse? I was panicking.

"William. Calm down, we will figure this out." My mother placed her hand on my shoulder. I watched as the small tattoo like mark on geirges neck was moving like smoke stuck in a small area. We should have marked him. Josh should have marked him. What will George thing of this when he wakes up. I look around for clues. The mirror that was facing the crib was fallen and broken. Was that a clue? Or was that the creature being careless. I look in my mother's direction, she seemed concerned and defeated. A glimpse of guilt showed for a second. She knows something. I know she does. My mother is annoyingly optimistic, she knows how to fix everything, she knows everything.

"What did this?" I ask going towards her. "What aren't you telling me mother?"

"I don't know. I usually know everything but I have no idea what that mark is or what it means. I place my hand on Georges face. He was burning up. I moved the blanket a little, making sure he didn't over heat. I interlaced my hand in his hair giving it a little scratch. George moved and mumbled the word "daddy" in a happy voice. He didn't seem to wake up but he did turn to the otherside and curled up even more. He looked so precious I was really just hoping that this won't negatively affect him. I just want him to live a really happy life why dies it always have to go bad for him? Why is it whenever we are happy and enjoying our time that something happens? Something that changes our plans and tares us up. It's like something wants our vase to be smashed and everytime we glue it together it just gets dropped again and again and again. I just want a calm lifestyle for George. He's gone through enough.

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