66: A talk

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They didn't seem to know what I was talking about. "Will, will live forever, I live longer than George. What are we gonna do with that? As well as both our traditions. I can't mark Will. It'll kill you. But I can mark George, and you can mark both of us if you really wanted to, and what about mating? How will that happen. Wolves usually take one mate, not two. I don't know how that works." I ramble out. Unsure of where to really stop. It was something that's genuinely been on my mind a lot, and I didn't know how they would react to such a question.

"Slow down, Josh." Will sighed. "Let's start from the start." He sat up, and both George and I followed sitting crossed legged."I will live forever. You're right. I've been thinking about this, too. What were gonna do. And I can't mark geirge, I won't. I'm not risking him becoming a zombie. And no one knows what happens when a vampire marks a werewolf. So do we really want to see what happens there? Vampires are cursed. That's our history. Cursed to forever be alone, just as wolves are cursed to forever be hated by humanity.

"There's marriage for humans?" George suggested, "that has no issues. we can do it with anyone. We only need one of the marriage people, or we can just fill out the paper if we don't want a ceremony." I completely forgot about human ceremonies. It's still not the same, though. I'm not playing his ceremonies down or anything. But for humans, a ring is enough to say that they're with someone forever, but it doesn't keep them alive. We sat thinking for a little while.

"We can get married." I say, looking up. "But later. After this stupid war, we can think about how to go about it, but I also think making both of us his is the only way for all three of us to be alive forever. Well, until Will dies." I explain. If he marks us, ceremony and all we have to live by his side.

"You do understand the risks of that, though, right?" Will asks, sitting up straighter. "You could have no personality. You could just become a slave. It's a large enough percentage that I haven't done it to either of you. Yous could lose everything that makes you you. I can't be the cause of that." Will explains.

"What do you mean?" I ask, also sitting up a little straighter.

"There is a 30% chance that George could become a mindless zombie, and I don't want that for him. And we dont know what happens when one marks a werewolf. It's never been heard of. The stakes are too high, i cant do that to either of you." I sigh in slight frustration.

"I can just keep senting you both every day...  we can get married. And I don't know what we're gonna do about the aging thing." I didn't want to watch George grow old faster than both of us. I don't want to wither away as Will stays the way he looks. I don't want will to watch us both die.

"We'll cross that bridge later. Right now, it's too late in the day for such big questions. Now that it's in everyone's minds, we can think about it and find a solution." Will speaks up sighing. I know he's been thinking about it just as much as I have. We've all been through so much together. I know he wants to do something. He just hasn't come up with any solutions. And by the unsurprised look on Georges face, he's been thinking about it too, probably just ignoring it by going into littlespace. "When this war is over, I will talk to my father and see if he can find out anything we can do with that."

"Why haven't you asked sooner?" George asks he seemed a tiny bit hurt, I get it. He's the one that would die first if there's nothing. It's probably been a lot on him to think about.

"I didn't want to worry you, I haven't been able to contact him and everytime I tried to talk to him about it he wouldn't hear me out and would shoo me away too busy with work. Most of his issues are due to this war, and with the rougesgoing into vampire territory. Once this is all finished, he'll have time to listen, time to help. Besides, he owes me a favour. He has no choice but to help." Will explains before letting put a yawn.

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