一:時間 (Time)

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Another loss. That's the last coin in my pocket. I suppose that concludes the day.


Nishimiya Airi grabbed on the doorknob anticipating the emptiness of the apartment. Contrary to the arcade house, humans are swarming. People come and go, making someone feel less alone. As soon as she pushes the door, a slipper came flying to her face. "Satoru, I caught it", Getou raised a white cat and pull out a paper from its mouth. The short-haired second-grade schooler draws her phone and starts dialing the police's number. She watches as Getou makes his way to the living room.

Yes. You have called the police.

There are-

Airi stopped talking as soon as she smelled incense diffusing in the air.

Miss. How is the situation? We will now track your location.

It's fine. A cat broke into my apartment. Sorry fot bothering you.

Her purple eyes was directed to a highschooler opening the fridge as if he lives in the apartment. "Have any juice? That freaking cat tired us out", he sighed and continued searching for something inside the fridge. "Satoru, mind your manners. We'll apologize and then leave", the black haired man went out of the living room after sometime. "It just happened that this cat wandered here. If this guy makes use of his ability, your place will be turned upside down. We made sure to keep the damage low", Getou explained still holding the cat in his arms.

"Finally! A blueberry yogurt", Gojo shouted and drank immediately. "132 yen", the girl opened her palm. "You're asking me to pay. Hah! You shoud be the one who's paying us. If we were not able to retrieve the talisman-", he was cut off when Getou pulled him back and started dragging him at the exit. The nicer looking person handed the amount being asked. "Make sure to lock the door after we leave", he said before the door closed having Airi peek a little more with his gentle and yet mysterious smile. 

The young girl went to the kitchen, opened the fridge and started preparing for dinner. 

Wash the vegetables well. 

Chop them and make cute figures. 

Have a balance diet which means do not forget to add meat as well. 

Cook the rice. 

Fold your hands and say your grace before digging in for the first bite. 

"Thank you for the food", the youngster clasped her hands and reached for the chopstick afterwards. 

Jujutsu High School Entrance: 

"What? Are you still thinking of checking on that brat?", Gojo lazily walked back to their school. "We retrieved the talisman but why is it there to begin with?", Getou looked back. "You sure you would like to climb down again? That's too much hassle. Let's just go to Yaga-sensei. I want to tease Utahime since she's here", the white haired lad suddenly had the drive to run. The other lad sighed and started walking down once more. 

It is the responsibility of the strong to protect the weak.  

He recalled the cremation jars on the living room. It must be the photo of the child's parents. Does that mean that she is being taken care of by guardians. While looking around the apartment, there are no signs of adults living with the girl. There is a faint presence of curse inside the apartment but an amount that is not bothersome for sorcerer's who have heavier matters in their hands. 

Nishimiya's Apartment

Airi was about to swallow her first attempt of making Japanese cabbage salad when the doorbell rang. She opened the door and saw the same smiling face from one hour ago. "Good evening Nishimiya. I think I left my student ID around here. Would you allow me to check?", the black haired asked. Airi looked back and saw that the place was clean and that there are no foreign objects lying on the floor. 

Do not open the door for strangers. You have to peek into this hole. 

Was she expecting that they will come back? It was as if she was anticipating. She opened the door wider and waited for Getou to remove his shoes. "My apologies for coming uninvited", he bowed his head. Airi led the way to the living room. "I checked on the kitchen and toilet but I haven't seen any. This is the only place that I haven't looked into", she informed. The girl was curious why the lad wasn't responding so she looked back to see the long haired stranger bowing to her parents. 

Getou proceeded to search for his lost ID. "Then, it's not here. Hopefully, Satoru has it", he scratched the back of his nape. His stomach made a sound. "That's embarrassing. Since my partner kept prolonging the mission, I wasn't able to eat lunch. I'd grab something to eat, do you like me to buy something as well", he sighed. For some reason, Airi understood what he is trying to do. "I cooked a while ago and made more. Would you like to stay for dinner?", the girl invited. Getou smiled hearing how well-taught the child is.  

The two sat on the dining table. Getou blinked for quite sometime as Airi stood to serves the cabbage salad on a bowl. "I feel bad for the person who should be having this share", the lad was trying to get information. "I live alone. This is my first time to make it so I wasn't able to measure what is enough for me", Airi explained. Getou tasted it and smiled. "I told you. It's my first time to do it so it's not as decent. I can make another meal", she panicked. "It's edible. The one who is in-debt shouldn't be complaining. Also, once you were able to practice more, I can eat this everyday", the lad gave a thumbs up and smile. The child turned around and her cheeks puffed to hide her happiness.

 Chapter end

Author's Note:

Credits to Gege Akutami for this masterpiece. 

First attempt to work on this project. Comments, votes or reactions are welcome. 

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