三: 暖かい (Warm)

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Getou woke up with Airi curled close to him. Since he was interrogated by the elders for almost two hours, he slept earlier than expected.

What?! Do you have maternal instinct? I'm reminding you, she's just nine. It's disappointing that you can't wait until she's a teenager.

I'd rip that smile of yours.

Sorry to interrupt your bickering but you'll wake her.

He sighed and climbed down the bed. He looked back and saw the girl sitting on the bed yawning and stretching her limbs. He found it adorable but knew that she will get embarrassed if he stares longer. "Good morning, Getou-san", she greeted. "The kitchen is not open until 6 am. I usually do my jogging this time. You can sleep for more. Kids like you should have lengthy sleeps", the lad suggested. "I'm no longer that young, I'm nine and soon I will be a teenager", her cheeks ballooned. "Okay then. Wear your jacket well, it's going to be a cold morning", he turned around to change his clothes as Airi did the same.

Jogging Area

"It's huge", Airi commented. The track and field area in her elementary school is nothing compared with the one in Jujutsu High. "High schoolers have longer legs than elementary students", Getou guessed what she could be comparing it from. "First, you should stretch your legs like this", the lad taught her to make sure not to strain her ankles.

Gojo sat on the stairs heading to the track and field area. He leaned on his palm and watch as Getou matches the pacing of the kid. "Look at him practicing how to be a dad", Yaga laughed. "Before he even gets attached to it, isn't it better to sever the cord", the concerned friend removed his sunglasses. "You're as heartless as ever. You don't have any compassion at all", the principal commented. "How is that different from you all who just wanted to take advantage of a clueless soul", the lad stood and started walking towards the two.

Dining Area

Airi sat and watched as the servants prepare the food on their table. The three sits on the tatami mat. She looked at Getou having a conversation with Gojo about a recent mission in the train station. "Then, you see, Airi-chan, there were footsteps of blood leading to the women's toilet. This curse spirit will knock on the cubicle waiting for someone it could engulf", Gojo made use of a voice that attempted to scare the girl. "I was told that perverts like that should be reported to police", she looked at Gojo with uninterested expression. The lad pinched her nose in frustration. "I can't wait for the time you'd come crawling to me because you're crept out", he wanted to bully her as much as possible. "Time to eat our meal. Thanks for the meal", Getou clasped his hands and so with Airi. Gojo dug into his food and the two follow afterwards.

Then, in my dreams, Principal Yaga chopped my head off because I forgot to put a veil on a mission to capture 15 feet.

Also, a young, capable, and adorable sorcerer asked if she could have a photo with me.

"The gods must have felt pity on you that they'll just have to show you a dream so you might at least feel what it's like", Getou commented. The other lad goes on flexing all his dreams about being the strongest. Airi found him so childish and wondered why Getou is friend with the peculiar dude. "How is the food, Nishimiya?", he asked. "It has so many flavors melting on my mouth. I can't wait to try and cook them myself", the girl said with excitement. For a few seconds, she realized how high pitched she talked and covered her face. Getou's phone rang and excused himself.

"What are you embarrassed of? Suguru found you as a kid so occasionally, act as one", Satoru leaned on the table while eating. "I know. He assured me that being a kid is not a crime, but I don't seem to understand what it could mean to be a child", she said with a soft voice.

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