四: まだ (Not Yet)

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Jujutsu High Stairs

"One year passed so fast, Airi-chan. How come you're getting taller? You should stay in your mini version", Ieri hugged her tightly. They met at the edge of the stairs. "I hope Ichiji-san is alright. He seemed to be worried this morning", the kid noticed. "You're starting to worry about more people other than your favorite Getou Suguru", Ieri lets go of her and they continued walking. "He cares a lot about those around him. Whenever we talk at night, he shares his worries about Gojo-san being too playful. Sooner or later, he'll be strong enough to do mission on his own. He doesn't want you to get hurt as well but it is part of being a sorcerer, so he hopes you'd be assigned in missions that doesn't require fighting. Everyone in Jujutsu High holds a special place in his heart", Airi said while looking at the stairs. If she doesn't focus much, she might miss her footing.

"Then, does that worry you? The more people he would care for, the lesser time he'll spend with you", Ieri could see the entrance and two of her classmates waiting. Airi smiled and waved her hands. Before, she doesn't let out so many smiles and rarely does she laugh. She's grown a lot with just a year, Suguru. "I don't have to worry about that. Getou-san's heart is huge enough to accommodate those whom he treasures and for those he still hasn't met to this point", she chuckled and ran towards the man. The kid hugged his torso and told him about being top of the class.

Getou's Room

"Would you like to have a room of your own?", Getou offered. Airi stopped combing his hair and dropped both of her arms on the lad's shoulder. "Can I stay for another year?", she asked. "You become more of a kid now, Airi. I don't mind", the lad patted her head. She continued combing Getou's hair and braiding it as well. "I will grow my hair long as well", she smiled.

"It is this late now. We must sleep because your closing program will be tomorrow", the lad stood lied down waiting for Airi to do the same. "Will principal Yaga be the one to attend the rites?", she asked with a sad tone. "He's the one who signed for the guardian form. Plus, your classmate will be curious why a high schooler who is not your relative will be attending. I am very proud of your Airi, I'll be outside your school waiting to congratulate you", he promised.

Mission Field

"You're more aggressive this time", Gojo noticed. "I have to fulfill my promise to Airi", he snapped his finger and tons of insects went to devour the monster. "You can leave this to me and maybe treat me some barbecue later", the white haired negotiated. "I don't have to do that because we're already done", Getou wiped the blood from his face then ran towards the road. "I'd be faster than that car", Gojo winked.

Elementary School Entrance

"It can't be helped. They were quite far here", Yaga felt pity for the lady. She held tight to her diploma and bouquet of flowers she prepared for Getou. "Ichiji is here", the principal tried to sound happy. "He'll be here. Just for a while, principal", the girl looked at him with puppy eyes. How could he say no to that? He went to the car and allowed for Airi to wait. It's been five minutes, but she didn't lose any faith in the lad's words.

There was a strong wind passing by. Her eyes were covered by someone, but she already knew that hand and its warmth. She had a huge smile. Gojo popped out confetti. "Congratulations, Airi", the lad showed a flute in his hand as a graduation gift. "Thank you, Getou-san. This is for you", the girl exchanged the flute with a bouquet of small white flowers.

Eih! Is that your brother?

He's so handsome.

Introduce me to him.

His friend is also good-looking!



Airi walked carrying the flute that Getou gave. She's planning to perform what she learned from her music teacher. Since their vacation is earlier than regular schools, she was enrolled into a music school by Yaga. The door of the principal's room is open.

Principal's Room

"I would like to know why you have to give so much favor for Airi?", Getou asked while sitting on the tatami mat. "You're an outstanding student of Jujutsu High. If not perfect, you're the very face of what a sorcerer should be. Take it as a reward for being a good guy", Yaga said with his hand crossed. "How about you? You don't have the responsibility to take care of her. Plus, if you said it's out of your concern, there are thousands of people who suffered a lot because of curses. If you accommodate all of them, you might not have enough for yourself", the principal turned the table. Instead of the one being questioned, he began the interrogation with the first year. He couldn't give an answer but just stared at the principal.

"Call Gojo, I have a mission for the both of you. Probably, after this mission, you will be able to give me an answer", Yaga stood and led the way outside.

He saw Airi sitting on the corridor waiting for Getou. "Someone's here to pick you", the man informed his student. "Airi, did you eat your breakfast?", the lad went outside the room and reached out his hand. For a few seconds, the girl looked at his big and reliable hand. She shook her head and grabbed into Getou's hand. One day, she will grow up and will be independent. Getou will also be a great sorcerer who will have his hand full of people he needs to protect as well. "That day is not yet today", she said her thoughts aloud. Yaga and Getou tilted their head in confusion.

Chapter end 

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