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"Let's be honest, okay? Please if it is you, just tell me," Regan said through a desperate voice. She was willing to know the truth.

"I don't get it? What about red roses?" Vesper retorted, confused.

Regan didn't know if she was acting or being honest. However, she hoped it was the first one.

"Did you place some red roses inside my room?"

"Why in the world would I do this?"

"Remember that one rose you saw once in my room? The red one?" Regan asked again.

Vesper's posture was stiff when she heard the roses matter. However, she tried not to show it much.

"Yes, I remember, but I'm not the one who got them."

"Who got them then?" Regan asked, her fear rising even more.

Vesper noticed her frightened state and tried to get hold of the situation, forcing a smile. "Reggie, calm down. I didn't mean to scare you like that, it was me, of course!"

Regan looked at her, forming a scowl, "Don't lie."

"I'm not lying," Vesper replied, "it was just a prank."

"And have you been entering my house stealthily?" Regan asked, her voice skeptical. She remembered that when she had found that first rose, Vesper hadn't yet entered her house. And it'd not be very appropriate for Vesper to enter her house stealthily.

Vesper's words got caught in her throat as she thought of something to say. But sheShe couldn't just lie and say she had done it when she knew she hadn't.

"I.... Well, you see, Regan. I didn't do it," she mumbled, her expression changing into a mixture of anger and confusion. "I mean, I didn't put these roses in your room."

Regan felt a hot wave of fear creep up on her as she listened at Vesper. Oh, well, it wouldn't have been her, would it? Of course not. Of course things had to be more tangled and scary for her. But still, Vesper looked like she knew something.

"I'm sorry, Vesper," Regan said. "I didn't want to blame you. But you could have told me earlier. I mean, you didn't have to lie."

Vesper looked at her friend, "I didn't want to scare you. I mean, it's weird, right? Finding roses like that."

Regan's jaw clenched, now knowing very well that these damn roses were following her around. "Never mind," she said, trying to calm herself down. "It's fine. Let's just forget about it."

Vesper nodded, still uneasy about it. But then, as Regan was going to leave, she stood up and leaned closer to her. "Hey, I know who did this!"

Regan's heart skipped a beat as she looked up at Vesper, hope filling her eyes. "Who?" she managed to choke out.

Vesper's voice was barely above a whisper, "It's that dude from the class. That one who stares at you."

"What the fuck?" Regan exclaimed, her eyes wide with shock and anger. She didn't know who Vesper was talking about because there were so many guys in their class who stared at her in mockery. "Which one?"

Vesper hesitated for a moment, glancing around to make sure that nobody in the cafeteria was listening in on them. "Well, it's that guy named Mike. You know, that one who always wears that stupid cap?" she whispered.

"Mike?" Regan repeated, frowning. "Ain't no way." She knew there was a guy named 'Mike' in her class, and she had caught him staring only that first day of school. Then, he seemed to mind his own business.

"I swear, I've seen him around your house. I thought he was just walking home from school, but..." Vesper trailed off, looking unsure of herself. "He's always staring at you. Maybe he likes you?" she offered, her voice laced with doubt.

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