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"Well, well, well, who do we have here? The fiery princess with a sword and her mother? I must say, I didn't expect that. Now, I'll have to end you both." The sorcerer's voice was deep and menacing, sending chills down Regan's spine.

Her mother looked terrified, but Regan tried to remain steady. She gripped her mom's hand tightly and her face turned into a scowl.

"Get out of our way, you bastard!" she snarled, "You piece of....What are you doing here?" Regan's anger was boiling hot inside her. She couldn't even breathe in sight of him. "You ruined our lives! You made us suffer! What else do you want?!"

"I want what I've always wanted. And you're both obstacles in my reign. I won't let you shatter what I've planned for so long, Regan. And I won't let you get away from me again," he stated, calmly. Octavia was shocked at first, as if proceeding who had crossed their way. But then, she suddenly spoke.

"You're him, aren't you?" she asked, her voice hoarse but hateful.

Sirius chuckled, rolling his eyes, "Of course I'm him, my queen. Who else would I be?"

"You-you're the reason of all this! What the hell are you doing here? How dare you show your face after all  these years?!" she exclaimed.

"For what do you accuse me?" Sirius asked, tilting his head. "For not imprisoning you? Or letting your daughter live?"

"We don't have time for your stupid riddles. Come on, mom. Let's go." Regan said as she took her mom's hand and started to move forward. She passed him but he didn't seem to stop her. For a moment, she wondered why.

"You have nowhere to go, Regan. I've closed all of the portals out of this forgotten place." He suddenly appeared in front of them, blocking their way.

Regan's anger flared, "Get. Out. Of. My. Way! I don't need a damn portal to leave! I'll find some other way!" she yelled so loud that her own ears hurt. But he was undeterred, chuckling in response.

"Oh, Regan, you've always been the firefly. You know no border or limit," he shook his head. "Will you ever understand your struggle is pointless? Why don't you come with me and get out of this hellhole? With your mother as well, of course."

Regan's eyes narrowed. She knew he was selling a lie and then planning to throw them both to hell. And now that she had found her mother, he had another reason to fight. After all, her mother held the same power as they both did.

And the worst, was that he was going to threaten her with her mother now.

"I'd rather die than be your slave!" she spat, the words shrouded in hatred and disdain.

"I'm not saying for you to be my slave," he countered as he stepped closer to her, his voice dripping with frustration, "I don't even want a slave. They're high in number. But if you want to get out of here, you have to follow me."

"We're not following you anywhere! Leave us alone!" Her mother hissed back at him.

Sirius rolled his eyes, clearly undeterred, "Look, I'm not forcing you. In fact, I have it better if you both root in this hell. But I'm feeling generous and I decided to give you another chance, Princess," he said as he looked at Regan.

"I've had enough of your generosity. And I've had enough of these chances. I want no chances. I don't want anything from you!" she yelled, glaring at him, holding her mother close. Octavia was glaring at him as well, but she felt kind of tired to backfire on him.

"You won't lay a finger on my mother!" she threatened, raising her sword at him, holding it straightly, "you won't touch her."

"Ah, Regan. Always prone to exaggerate and dramatize," he drawled, a smirk tugging at his lips, "But do you realize you're the biggest thorn in my side? Your mother might hate me as much as you do, but she'd follow your lead without question. So now, my beautiful princess, you should come with me."

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