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As Regan stood outside, her breath was uneven and her mind raced with unsettling thoughts. She couldn't get over the fact that he had just grabbed her by the waist. It raised a surge of anger through her. It made her furious and bewildered at the same time. She even found it difficult to breathe, thinking it all over again.

"How dare you!" she fumed.

Artemis, followed by Cora, saw Regan just there, and Artemis quickly approached, "Regan, come, we need to leave as soon as possible," she urged.

Regan didn't move, "No, he won't get out of this."

Artemis shook her head and grabbed her hand, "Regan, forget this. Now let's just leave and mind our own business."

"I've minded my own business my whole life, Artemis! I didn't choose any of this!" she snapped back, removing her hands, "I won't let that slide. That's such a shame."

"Well, I told you to stay quiet and not cause a scene," Artemis retorted, getting annoyed as well.

"Well, it's not my fault that he fights with others," Regan shot back, "I mean, I wasn't the reason for it."

"Yeah, yeah, you weren't," replied Artemis, her voice sarcastic.

Regan's annoyance greatly increased, "The bartender deserved what he got, still. But I wasn't the reason, okay?"

Artemis let out a tired sigh, "Whatever, let's just leave now, before matters get any worse."

Before Regan could retort, Sirius emerged from the doors of the tavern. Without wasting time, Regan followed him and grabbed him by his arm.

"Hey, you!" she hissed, "what the hell were you thinking back there?"

Sirius looked at her in confusion and then narrowed his eyes. He glanced down at her hand but didn't move. He simply stared.

"You're so beautiful," thought Regan, surprised by her own thoughts as she gazed into his blue eyes. There was something about the way he looked at her, something that made her heart race. His gaze was intense and unwavering, as if he could see right through her. For a moment, she forgot about everything else: the fight, the crowd, the anger. All she could focus on was him.

"Let go, girl," he finally snapped her out of thoughts, his voice dripping with annoyance and some sort of amusement. She realized she was still holding onto his arm, and quickly released her grip.

"You're going to apologize for grabbing me like that!" she snapped, fury taking over her again.

Sirius scoffed, "Oh, please. I didn't even know it was you."

"I don't care! You're going to apologize! You should be ashamed! Who the hell do you think you are?" Regan shouted, her anger fueling her words, although she felt awkward as well. Sirius raised an eyebrow, his expression unreadable.

"Look, Regan," he said, his voice low and calm, "I meant no disrespect, and I know what you think and feel. But I won't apologise for anything," he smirked, "you wouldn't want me to fake an apology now, would you?"

Regan's eyes narrowed and her fury was palpable. She glanced around, noticing a lot of weird stares she was getting from the crowd.

"You don't know what I think and feel. You're not me!" she spat. "And you know what? I don't really care, don't apologise. But I won't forget this."

Sirius's smirk widened into a smile, "Oh, I know you won't forget. And neither will I."

An arm pulled Regan away, it was Artemis with Cora behind her, "Regan, just stop, this is worthless." Artemis said, her eyes filled with some uncertain fear.

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