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"Well, if you'll excuse me," Regan said, slightly getting up. The queen seemed surprised, "I think I need some fresh air." She glanced at the window, wishing she could just leave and run away from all of this.

"Of course, dear," Queen Frida said, looking at Regan with a mixture of curiosity and concern, "Perhaps you could show her the garden, Artemis?"

Artemis nodded and got up, taking Regan's hand. Before going outside, she led her in her room and told her to wear something thick and warm. Regan checked through the wardrobe and found a pair of gloves, a scarf and a thick fur cloak. As for boots, she already had them on. The cold air of the halls nipped at her cheeks as she followed Artemis outside.

The garden was large and white, covered with snow and ice. Regan walked carefully, not wanting to slip somewhere. Some fountains were spread apart in the garden, their water frozen in glistering sculptures of ice. The trees were covered in snow and ice as well, their icy crystals hanging on the branches in a dangerous way.

"Artemis, how did you marry this man?" Regan asked, still not grasping the idea of Artemis and Agnar. If by just looks, she knew they didn't suit each other. She couldn't imagine how they would get along. Her impression about Agnar, was just like the rest of bastards she had met before.

"Well," Artemis began, as if hesitating, "after the war, I was raised by Queen Frida. She was a close friend to our father and she took good care of me. Agnar... he was also raised in the royal palace. But he was more close with his father. We met during a ball when I was seventeen. He was... quite charming. I admit, I was drawn to him. We started seeing each other in secret, and after a while, we fell in love. We were married when I was twenty-one, and he was twenty-three."

The cold air made Regan's thoughts even more cloudy. She didn't ask how old Artemis was, because she didn't know how long the years were there or how old Artemis would be in human years. But she looked to be 25 or 26 something, taking in her appearance and the fact she was her sister.

It was quite strange to hear that she was married when she was seventeen. Back on Earth, that would be considered illegal.

"And how long have you been living with him?" Regan asked, still finding it hard to believe.

"I've been living with him for some years. He loves me but....But he doesn't understand me. He doesn't know what I need. He's always been a bit selfish, always thinking about himself. He expects me to be like his mother, always obedient and submissive."

He doesn't love you, he exploits you, Regan thought.

"It must be hard for you," she said, feeling sad for Artemis, "Has he ever abused you?"

"Oh, yes. Many times. He's hit me, he's threatened me, he's even... he's even forced me to do things I didn't want to do. But I can't leave him. I'm stuck here. I'm his wife and I'm his princess."

"Don't be ridiculous, Artemis. I know it's hard for you but you shouldn't have married that loser in the first place. You can still leave him. You can start a new life, find someone who deserves you. There must be someone out there who can make you happy," Regan said, trying to cheer her up, "I'll do something, I won't let him lay a hand on you again."

Artemis smiled sadly. "You don't understand, Regan. It's not that easy. Agnar has the power here. He's the prince. If I were to leave him, he could have me killed. He could have me killed and make it look like an accident. He could make it look like I ran away with another man, or that I committed suicide. He could make my death look like anything he wanted. I can't risk that."

They walked in silence for a while, and Regan decided to speak up again, "I don't think he's that powerful. You're just believing that, Artemis. And what about your powers?"

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