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Far away, he was seated on his desk, lost in thought as always. He had his eyes on a board game, similar to chess. His stare lingered on a random piece, pondering the moves. He wasn't playing with anyone, but with himself.

He wasn't in Silvertide. He was in the North, because there were still matters he had to take care of. He had been searching for Regan since that night they got separated. He couldn't shake her from his mind, not even for a single moment. He didn't know if she was still in the North. She wasn't at the vampire's place, he knew. He had turned their empire upside down looking for her. You would ask, what about the bond he had with her? Couldn't he use the magic bond to locate her? The answer was no. And it terrified him even more. Because he feared what had happened to her.

His bond with her had always reached far. So, so far. But now, it was strange and it made him uneasy. Maybe something had happened to her. Or maybe she had gotten the fullest control of her powers and had learnt how to hide her essence.

He didn't really know what it was, but whatever it was, he wouldn't rest until he found her. He had sent his best scouts to search every corner of the land, to inquire with every contact he had, but there was no trace of her.

He had gotten in big trouble with the royalty of North. He had threatened them with a war and he was operating in their territory without their permission. But he didn't care. It was his fault, he let her go himself, he let her with Artemis and it all turned out to be a mistake. She belonged to him, although they hated each other and were enemies.

A knock on the door interrupted his thoughts.

It was general Vlad, his expression as hard as steel.

"My lord, I have some....news," his face and voice were sour and stern, as if he was about to reveal something that would change the course of history.

Indifferently, the sorcerer looked up, "What?" He asked, his voice hoarse.

"Our scouts have reported that there is a situation in the south." Vlad said, his gaze on the floor.

"Go on."

The general took a deep breath, "There was a rebellion. A big one. They had caused havoc and chaos around. They had burnt down several buildings and killed many of our soldiers." The general paused, taking a breath, "They even managed to take down one of our bases."

Sirius's expression darkened, fury radiating of him, "What the hell? Where's Igor?" He growled as he stood up from his chair.

"I don't know where general Igor is, lord. His officer informed me of the situation. It was very abrupt and they were unprepared for the rebels."

"And who was the planner of this?" Sirius demanded.

"That's the worst, my lord. The officer informed that the rebellion was led by a woman. She had red hair and a scar across her face. They called her, Ingrid. She was a witch. She had blown up the base and killed many of our soldiers." The general paused, his voice shaking with frustration, "And she had help from a boy. They said he was her friend. They called him Jack."

Sirius's eyes burnt with a fierce rage as he listened to general Vlad's report. His jaw clenched tightly, his fists balling into fists at his sides, the blue fire glowing on his hands. He couldn't believe what he was hearing nevertheless. Could it be her? He couldn't shake the relief of her being Regan.

"Ingrid, huh? How many names does she have? You know too well who she is, don't you?"

The general nodded, his expression solemn, "Seems like she found us first."

"Regan," He drawled, "Ah, Regan.... I've searched for you in the whole North. I've turned this damn place upside down looking for you. I should've known you weren't going to just hide. It seems you've found me first....you know who you belong to." His eyes narrowed, "I'm coming for you, Regan. And when I find you, there will be no mercy. No quarter." His voice was cold and unyielding.

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