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Regan woke up in a start, her head spinning alongside a black vision. She couldn't see anything and she feared if she was even alive. Her mind was dull and blank, as if she was floating in air. Her hands couldn't move and her legs couldn't move either. She closed her eyes shut, trying to get a sense of the place.

And then, the memories flooded in, making her shiver and boil at the same time. She remembered being caught and being injected. She remembered Iris, Raven and everything else. It hit her as a wave of tornado, and she hoped she hadn't remembered at all.

A wave of unease and panic spr ofead over her as she wondered what happened to Iris or Raven. Maybe he had killed them. Maybe he was torturing them. Maybe she was tortured as well. Maybe she was dead. But she wasn't.

"Cornelia?" A low, trembling voice pierced through the blank air. Regan's eyes fluttered open. Her vision wasn't black, it was still blurry but there was light on the room. She looked at another girl who was sitting, tied in a chair, the same way. A relief over her as she realized it was Iris.

"Cornelia....are you alright?" Iris asked again, her voice shaky.

Regan shook her head, wanting to rubb her eyes. But she couldn't do it. She glanced around, realising they were both tied inside a large room. Its walls were adorned with tapestries in colors of dark blue. The dimly torches were lit by candles, their flames casting weird shadows on the walls. The floor was made of expensive wood. She looked across, and saw a tall throne, carved out of the same dark wood, resting high on four stairs. The plush was made of red velvet, dripping on with luxury.

A frown escaped Regan's face as she realized whose it belonged. Although it was empty, it made her blood run cold.

"Iris, where are we?" she whispered, although she knew where they were.

Iris took a shaky breath, her voice trembling, "I-I... we're in his castle. When I woke up, they were dragging me here. Later on, he brought you here, himself," she revealed, her eyes darting around.

Regan's frown deepened, "How? How was I brought here?"

Iris swallowed nervously, "Well...uh...he-he carried you...." Her voice trailed off, and Regan could tell she was shivering. "He...just...brought you here and t-tied you."

Regan felt her anger bubble, her forehead veins bulging. She wanted to do something violent. How could he carry her there? All this made her even more furious than she was. She knew she had to keep calm but her anger was getting the best of her.

"I'm going to kill him," she said through gritted teeth. She struggled to free but the ropes where tight and unyielding. She looked down and she was still wearing the dirty military uniform. It stuck to her skin, making her feel dirty.

"He had captured Jack as well," Iris said after a while, trying to keep calm, "he asked me questions about him and you. I said I didn't know him and that you were just my friend, but he wasn't convinced, he was furious."

"Damnit....We have to leave! We have to get out of here!" Regan growled in frustration, struggling against her bindings even harder. She hadn't been tied before. "You should have said you didn't know me at all!"

"But, aren't we together in this?"

Regan groaned in frustration, trying to snatch the rope, "Yes, but it's.... it's my fault. I'm sorry. I won't let you get hurt. What about Raven? Did you see her?"

Iris shook her head, "No, I didn't. I saw nothing else. I don't know where they are. I hope they are fine."

Regan took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down. As much and angry she was, she was also scared. Although, she'd always try to sound braver than she felt.

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