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You may wonder and think about Sirius, who he really was, and who he really is. Most would think him as a royalty. By his titles, by his power, but little do they know his history.

Perhaps twenty years ago, in a beautiful realm called Avalon, a group of hopeless wizards were wandering around in the cold and dark night.

The three young sorcerers Agnes, Erin and Zephyr practiced dark magic and worked together. The three were banished from the realm. They were going to be executed for their crimes, if found. That was why they kept walking with cloaks, as fugitives. It doesn't need a long time to realize they were evil wizards.

Out of nowhere, they heard a cry. They followed it and founded a little boy on a box.

"Hey, look! What's this? A kid?" Agnes asked her companions.

"More like a noisy little brat." Erin replied with a scorn.

"Only little brats would be left on the street. Let's mind our own business." Zephyr added, disinterested.

"But I sense power! Look, there's power emanating from him!" Agnes said when she cautiously got nearer.

In fact the kid's irises were red, his black hairs were messy. He was crying, but by looking at him, even though he wasn't more than four years old, he looked physically and spirituality strong.

"S-i-r-i-u-s. Let's go away guys. He must be a little devil waiting to possess people." Erin said alarmed as she looked at a label on the box and pronounced his name.

"Erin is right. Come on Agnes!" Zephyr said to her.

"No! We don't have anywhere to go. We're powerless and have nothing in our pockets. Nowhere to go. They are going to find us and kill us. This kid might be the key to our new start." Agnes said.

"What is a kid going to help with?!" Eris yelled.

But Agnes didn't listen and held the boy to her hands.

"I can't believe it! That's fire, he's very powerful!" The witch said, she had the ability to everyone's aura.

"You're crazy Agnes!" Zephyr shouted. But the other didn't listen. She held the little boy and the others followed her, having no choice. They all brought him to an old warehouse. There was no other place for them to go.

Then he was raised. But how? They were fugitives, to be punished. Just like Erin and Zephyr believed the boy's powers, everyone else did.

Everyone who saw Sirius, would immediately advert their eyes away. They were all scared from this little boy's powers. Just like Agnes made her way through everyone, threatening them using the little boy.

He was a quiet and grumpy child. Even though a little kid, his mind was years older. He could speak and know a lot. Agnes didn't had it hard to train him.

The powers he held were very stronger than hers. One night while struggling to determine the source of the boy's powers, Agnes founded they came from something called eternal ember. That was extremely rare, a kind of fire power. In fact the royals were the only ones who held it.

That made Agnes to think of where the hell this boy came from? Was he a royal? What was his origin?

From her revelation, Agnes was in fear. If he was a royal and was lost, the king and queen would search into every single hole to find this powerful and mysterious being.

She thought to abandon him and find another way to be powerful again. But being driven by her wish of authority and power, she kept the boy hidden from the eyes of the world.

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