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The flames were creating an oddly comfortable sound in the chillness of the chamber. They were casting weird shadows across the wall, like some a hero fighting with a villain. The sorcerer observed them with his usual calculated gaze.

Despite his stoic demeanor, he couldn't shake the annoyance and irritation he felt inside. He felt mad at himself, felt it forbidden to want Regan by his side, when he knew she was his sworn enemy, a formidable opponent, an obstacle, and how she would never want to side willingly with him.

The thoughts made him frustrated and pissed off, not at her, but at himself. He was well enough alone; he didn't have to share power with anyone. And yet, he couldn't help but wonder how perfect it would be to have Regan on his side. To rule with her.

But she'd never want to. She'd never try think of him differently. He knew his image in her mind was probably nothing more than a sadistic criminal. He wondered why he cared so much. After all, everyone thought him like that.

A knock on the door snapped him out of thoughts. It was general Vlad, his stoic expression crossed by an unsettled look.

"What's the matter, general?" Sirius indifferently asked.

"There's a situation down the dungeons, my lord. Mathias, one of the traitors has escaped." Vlad informed.

Sirius stood up from the armchair, his eyebrows furrowed, "What? How's it possible? Where the hell were the guards?!" He furiously yelled, knowing well enough the security that he had on his dungeons.

"The guards apparently were handling another one. Mathias had escaped weirdly enough. Sounds like someone helped him.
I found a key inside his cell." Vlad briefly explained.

Sirius ran a hand through his hair, furious of how could Mathias had escaped; he was a dangerous sick man who had done so many dissolute actions around the town, a problem for Sirius's reign at the same time.

"Who would be that idiot to have helped him?"

Vlad shook his head, "There was an intruder. The guards said they saw a dark figure lurking around the dungeons. It was around midnight or something."

Upon mentioning a figure in the darkness, Sirius's mind went immediately at Regan. It was her wandering around in the dungeons.

"She didn't just do that!" he growled.

"Do you suspect anyone, my lord?"

Sirius clenched his fists, seething with anger. "Regan. She's the source of all this trouble. That meddling girl is always causing chaos. I should have never let her out in the first place."

The general nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "Shall I order the armed guards to ensure she doesn't leave her chamber?"

"Absolutely," Sirius said. "Make it clear to them that she is not to be allowed out under any circumstances. I won't tolerate any more disruptions to my plans."

Vlad saluted, "It shall be done, my lord. And what about Mathias? Should we launch a search for him?"

Sirius composed himself, his mind focused on the immediate threat. "Yes, find Mathias. Bring him back at any cost. We can't afford loose ends." He gave a stern look to Vlad, emphasizing the matter, "And bring to me all  the guards which were responsible for his cell."

Vlad nodded, leaving the chamber.

As soon as the general walked out, he saw Vesper, who was fuming and pacing around furiously. Vlad asked her if she had any problem, but she furiously yelled at him, ordering him to go away.

As he did as told, Vesper glared at him, then fumed again that her attempts to harm Regan were futile and she didn't accomplish anything. She got hurt herself, with few burns in her clothes. Not only that, her pride was wounded and she knew that Allegra was going to mock her around.
She couldn't accept, couldn't the fact that Regan didn't submit to her and defied her.

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