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Regan kept walking, her breaths shaky. She couldn't help but fear getting caught or something. And she had no idea how to go to the Shadowslands either.

Maybe if she could find Seraphina again. She had no other one to ask.

The air around wasn't cold or chilly but just the fact that she was scared, was enough to make her tremble.

As she kept walking, Regan saw a dimly light coming from something that looked like a tavern. It was the only place with lights. Regan hid behind some trees on the road, fearing that someone could see her.

Then, she saw two females entering in, their clothes fluorescent in light blue color. They were wearing the same thing, crop tops and skirts. Regan took a deep breath wondering if inside there was someone who could help her.

She slowly approached the tavern. The door was tall and made of glass in a blue color. She couldn't see anything from outside. The windows were rectangular and tall, in blue color as well. She took a deep breath and pushed the door open, stepping inside.

The inside was dimly lit with candles on the walls and a fireplace in the center, casting a warm, cozy glow over the patrons. There were lounges and tables scattered about, most occupied by groups of locals laughing and drinking. The air was thick with the scent of smoke and ale. The two blue-clad females Regan had seen outside were seated at a table near the back, deep in conversation.

She was reminded of how hungry she was. The last time she ate was there when he was talking about his proposals. The thought made Regan shudder. She needed to focus.

She looked in front of her, to see a wide counter with a bartender serving drinks. He looked at her, but didn't seem to mind. Her breath hitched, hoping she wouldn't attract any unwanted attention. She walked slowly towards the two blue-clad females, trying to appear casual. As she got closer, she noticed that they were laughing about something, their voices musical and light.

Finally, she reached their table and cleared her throat, trying to muster up the courage to speak. They both turned to look at her, their expressions changing from amusement to surprise. "Excuse me," she stammered. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but I was wondering if you could help me."

One of the women, her hair pulled back into a tight bun, arched an eyebrow. "Help you with what, dear?" Her voice was smooth and melodic.

Regan swallowed hard, "There is a place called the Shadowslands," she said slowly, "and I need to go there." She glanced around, noticing that no one was looking at her at least.

The woman with the bun looked Regan up and down, her expression unreadable. Then, she leaned in closer, lowering her voice. "You're a thief, aren't you?" she asked, more of a statement than a question.

"What? No." Regan quickly retorted. She didn't know why they thought that. Maybe because the cloak was old.

The woman with the bun raised an eyebrow. "Then why do you need to go to the Shadowslands?"

"That's my business." Regan answered, looking away from them. "Do you know where it is?"

The woman in bun didn't answer and she looked at her companion. Her companion had green hair, held in a ponytail. She seemed to hesitate for a moment before she leaned in closer, her emerald eyes glinting in the candlelight. "There is a portal," she whispered.

The woman in bun nodded. "Yes. There is a portal in the back alley of the city, behind a tavern called 'The Black Serpent'. You can't miss it. It's guarded, though. So you'll have to be careful." She warned.

Regan felt a surge of relief wash over her. She had no idea where the place was, but she was determined to get to the bottom of this. She couldn't waste time.

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