Chapter 8

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Xander POV

I reached the tea party and it was just same as the typical tea party hosted by noble girl. I was going to meet the Grand Duke after this for some business I hope he will agree.

As I entered the party I started to search for a certain red eyed girl but I couldn't find her but instead found my friends. I went to them to find Lucas shooting me his usual glare, well even though we used to be great friends but whenever I am around Katherine just pays attention at me even if it's just a bored look and his time with her is ruined so he kinda now is angered by my presence.

"So you got your results of the academy entrance exam?" Ivan asked me as I approached them.

"Yeah" I just replied shortly still seaching for Kathy.

"She is going to arrive a little later" Lucas told me coldly, maybe it was too obvious.

"So how much you got?" Drake asked me.

I smirked and said "99.96%"

I girls around gasped, well I am good at studying but the other just scoffed and the I asked "How much you all got?"

They all looked and said

"98" said Drake.

"99" Ivan.

"99.16" Lucas.

"99.97" Alisteir said with a smile.

I looked at him with a knowing expression, he was the smartest at studies but he lacked at physical training just like girls.

"What about your sisters Lucas" I asked .

"Rosaline got 97 and I don't know about Kathy but she is going to go tommorow" he said looking at the others. Don't worry Lucas I will make things right but why the hell is she going tommorow.

"Tommorow?!!?" We all exclaimed at the same time.

"Yeah, she is not going to the Aleonar academy but instead she is going to the academy in Dragon vale" he said.

"What? but why?" I asked. Why the hell is she going to the academy in my country when people from there come to study at Aleonar academy.

"Dad insisted but he said she will be back here for her coming of age" he said and suddenly the atmosphere turned cold . I don't know why but it feels bad, I want to be her fiancée to secure my position but now think that I might have fallen in love with her.

I looked at the others and they were also not happy and I think I knew what they were currently thinking but you people just dream Kathy is mine and with that I left the party but not before saying bye to them.

Let's get this over with. If the Duke doesn't want to get her engaged so it can only mean that he plans on giving the position of the Duke to her. Then I will give him a suitable proposal .

I smirked at my thoughts as I entered the carriage.

Katherine's POV

I entered the hall where the tea party was going to be held and saw the boys in a gloomy mood. I wonder what happened. Maybe it's because of Rosa and Ivan's engagement. I thought.

Soon after Xander left with that smirk that would give you shivers down your spine.

I waved at Alisteir who smiled when he saw me but than Drake came infront of him scowling.

"So when was our dearest 'friend' going to tell us that she is going to leave tommorow" he said.

I can't keep my usual face and I chuckled, he looked like a child whose chocolate cake was stolen.

"Hey, don't laugh" He said but when he registered what I was doing he looked shocked and so were that others .

I just ignored them and found myself a cake to eat but bumped in a girl instead. I looked up to see a beautiful girl who looked to be two years older than me.

I quickly apologized and curtsied as a greeting.

Alisteir came running and asked the girl "Are you OK sister? and Kathy?"

Me and the girl looked at each other.

"She is Katherine?"

"She is you sister?"

We both asked the same time to Alis.
He nodded and said "Sister meet my friend Katherine and Kathy meet my sister Lily"

We greeted each other and she sized me up.

We all sat together to have tea . The tea tasted good as we make small talks.

"So Kathy what you think about my little brother" Lily asked.

I looked at her confused while Alis coughed and said "Sister what are you talking about".

His sister gave him a look that said 'I am going to ask it'

Alis again coughed and said "Excuse me" .

He went away and when I looked at him his face was red.

"Is he Ok, he is all red" I asked concerned.

"Yeah, he is" Lucas said and put a plate of my favourite chocolate cake.

I was going to pick a fork but instead he pick it and fed me the cake.

If it was normal I would be angry that he is feeding me like a baby but this was my favourite cake so I will let it slide for today.

I looked at Drake looking at the cake and than at me. I think he also want it so I also took a fork and fed him some.

"Thanks " he said.

Lucas glared at him but I didn't notice it as I was busy with my cake.

Well, after that we became good friends too.

She was not like the girly girls but the rowdy one. I wonder how she is Alis' sister, their personalities are total opposites.

The day ended like that and when I reached home I saw Xander exiting the mansion with a smile that one has when they won something very precious.

He looked at me and smirked. For some reason I was not mad at him maybe because of what he told me in the morning.

After changing I flopped on my bed and was out like light unaware of the surprise that is waiting for me tommorow.

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