Chapter 36

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A/n: There are some dark thoughts in the dream so if you are sensitive, read from where the italic letters end.

Everything was dark,pitch black and threatening as she walked through it. It was not the kind of darkness that she loved, it was the darkness that she feared.

It was not calming or soothing, it was chaotic and troublesome.

She just walked and walked with out thinking and the darkness didn't seem to end.

As she walked around suddenly she heard a sickening laugh and a person emerged from the shadows with the same hair colour as her.

He seemed familiar and unfamiliar at the same time. Not knowing what was happening her feet led her to him as he motioned her to come.

It was as if like he was pulling her towards him and she like a lifeless body was just getting pulled.

"Die" A voice sounded in her ear as she got closer to the person.

"You should die, you have no worth here, a waste of space, a disappointment,  worthless-" he keep chanting those words.

The girl covered her ears with her hands and shouted "Stop, please stop"

But the words never stopped instead they become louder and more clearer.

'Why don't you just go and die'
'You are such a disappointment, you should have never been born'
'You know how much we spent on a worthless thing like you and you can't even fulfill our wishes'
'Die, you don't deserve to live'

The voices from the past kept echoing in her head as a broken record.

Listening to them for sometime she removed her hands from her ears and sat down wispering to herself.

"I am a disappointment"
"I should die"
"I am not needed, I am worthless, a waste of space"
"I don't belong"

She kept chanting them to herself and fell deeper and deeper in the abyss of darkness.

But as she was falling a hand reached out to her and caught her wrist, pulling her out of the pit and hugging her and wispering in her ears.

"You are the best"
"You belong here, by my side and I will love you forever"
"You are not alone anymore so-"

"Wake up" he kissed her earlobe.

Katherine jolted awake with sweat covering her whole body.

"Katherine, you are finally awake" Lucas sighed as he approached her.

Katherine looked at the worried Lucas confused, she looked around to see everyone was there with worry lacing their faces and a Xander who looked like he has not gotten a sleep for several days.

She remembered what had happened , after she woke up again,she and Xander were getting out of the forest but she collapsed again because the light essence was still there but why the hell these people look like the world has ended.

Then she looked around the room she was in, it was her room at the mansion but should not they be at the hunting grounds,the compitition was going to go for four days.

"How much time I was out?" she spoke after some time.

"Two months" said Drake when no one opened their mouth.

"Two months" she wispered to herself.

If it was two months, currently this should be her winter holidays and now she is seventeen years old.

"Katherine,  are you OK? " Xander asked her.

There were prominent bags under his eyes and his face also looked sunken like he have not been eating properly.

After sometime the Grand Duke also visited and took the boys with him.

Holly stayed with her.

"Lady Katherine, everyone was just so worried about you, even the doctor said that the chances of you waking up are zero to none, but Sir Xander didn't listened to the anyone, he stayed in your room beside you all the time, refusing to sleep and eat saying that he wants to be the first person you see when you wake up" Holly said as tears stained her face.

Katherine looked at her thinking that if that voice didn't pulled her out of the dark she would have surely died, someone who became her lifeline but she don't know who he was ,the voice was really familiar but because of the drowsiness covering her see can't listen carefully.

"Xander stayed here all the time" she asked.

Holly nodded.

"We were shocked when he brought you back in an unconcious state and after that a lot happened"

"A lot happened?" Katherine raised an eyebrow at her.

"Yeah, I don't know how and who but many of the noble families were executed, the country was in chaos and people thought that this was the Grand Duke's wrath for trying to assassinate you"

"So the Duke did that?"

"No, not entirely, the charges were put by the Grand Duke but the person who murdered them brutally was Sir Xander and Sir Lucas, Sir Drake too played a part while Sir Alisteir helped the Grand Duke with the investigation" Holly said all in one breath.

"Ok, where is Anne by the way" Katherine asked.

"She has gone to fetch you some food"

Katherine tried to stand up but was pushed on bed by a glaring Holly, "Rest"

Katherine looked at her and was about to stand up again when Holly glared at her,she looked cute when she was angry.

Seeing the determined expression on her face Katherine sighed and laid down again.

Seeing her compiling to her wishes Holly smiled and continued to tell her about what happened.

"- there is a talk that the second prince and Prince Ivan's half brother is going to debut on his seventeenth birthday in the time of two weeks,after that he is also going to attend the Aleonar academy, and there is also a rumor, now that the second prince is showing himself officially, Prince Ivan's position as the crown prince is going to be threatened"

Katherine's eyebrows furrowed at the information .

'Second prince of the Enchancia kingdom,  Is she forgetting something?'

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