Chapter 23

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"So how much time it will take for you to find the person" asked Katherine as she examined the locket a bit more to find if she has seen it somewhere.

Damian shook his head and said "Not so fast, that person seemed to have someone's backing, and that too a powerful person"

"And after this thing happened almost ten years ago, it's difficult to dig the past especially when the one who committed left no trace except this locket" he pointed towards the locket in her hands.

"So I guess the Grand Duke is doing something, keep an eye on him" she said.

"You think the Duke might be backing him?" he asked.

"Not sure but it seems like that if he is doing something suspicious" she said.

"You told him that you know, you alerted him" he said to her bewildered.

"I just set a trap for him to fall and if he is really not letting us find that person it's for his own good" she said and went inside the hall not after giving him some gold coins.

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"You know each other" asked Lucas to Xander when Katherine went outside with Damian.

"I have known that person all my life and he is not a good person to begin with" Xander replied.

"So who is he?" asked Alisteir.

"He is from the Dead Dragon's tribe, he has gotten a famous title by his people, The King of The Dead" said Xander with a grave look.

'Leaving Irene with him is not a wise choice' he thought.

"He doesn't have that Dragon scent" said Lucas raising his brows.

"People from that tribe don't have that scent as they are not fully Dragons, they are not dragons but also not humans, in other words they are dangerous" Xander said.

Now everyone thought that leaving her with him is not a good idea.

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Soon the ceremony ended, after all the boring speeches, Katherine also came out of the hall.

Now they have go to their home room class, she went to her class and sat at the corner seat in the back, leaving the seat beside the window empty.

Soon Alisteir also entered the class and when he saw her he was having a really big smile on his face. He sat beside her on the window side and took out a small cookie bag from his bag.

"Kathy, my sister made this for you" he said passing the bag to her.

She looked at it and then opened it , there were cookies inside it, she looked at him.


"Try it" he said.

She took out a cookie and ate it.

As soon as the cookie was put in her mouth and came in contact with her tongue she frowned.

"How is it?" he asked.

Katherine swallowed the cookie and said in a straight tone "Tell her to never cook again, even animals will not eat this"

"So you agree with me".

She looked at him and tilted her head.

"I was also telling her the same thing when she was sending them but she didn't listened, sorry that you have to taste something this aweful" he apologised to her.

Katherine just looked at him and smiled "Don't worry, it was not your fault anyway".

Alisteir smiled at her and soon the teacher came inside the class.

"So I hope all the students are here and no one is late" as soon as the teacher said this someone rushed inside the classroom.

And he was none other than Damian.

Katherine shook her head. Back in Dragon Wales too he was always late to every class and the people has already given him the name of the Late God.

"Why are you late young man?" the teacher asked.

"Sir I was helping a maiden find her classroom" he replied.

The teacher looked at him suspiciously but as it being the first day he let it go and told him to take a seat.

He went and sat behind Kathy who turned and asked "So which maiden was lost this time or were you just busy flirting with someone?".

"Oh don't be jealous my dear, I swear I have none but you in my heart".

She sneered at his answer and looked in front. Alisteir gave her a weird look but she ignored him.

"So as you should know that you are now going to start your higher studies, you should be more serious from now on as your behaviour and your grades are going to be responsible for your future" the teacher continued.

"It doesn't matter what your status outside is, whether you are from a royal linage or a high ranking noble, your status in the academy is same that is you are the students here so you are not allowed to bully or abuse your power here.." the teacher continued his speech and at last when his speech ended he said.

"I hope you all understood the things very well, now, the ones who have their first class maths shall stay here, the rest of you shall go to your respective classes".

"Which class do you have Kathy?" Alisteir asked.

"Maths" she replied .

"Me too, seems like we are having our first class together".

Damian stood up from behind and said "Unfortunately, I have economics for my first class, but I will see you afterwards dear".

When Damian was gone Lucas entered the classroom and sat in the same sat where Damian was sitting a while ago.

Now the maths class started and it was easy, as before she died she was in her last year of high school and the standard from which they teach here, she has already learned these questions in middle school.

When the class ended she went out of the classroom to go to her next class.

Alisteir and Lucas were not with her as they have to go to separate directions.

When she was just about to turn a corner somebody pulled her into another corridor.

Till now most of the students have went to class and the corridors were empty.

Villainess? well, who cares......not me. Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora