Chapter 26

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Alisteir's face paled looking at Xander with a murderous expression.

He knew better than to provoke the devil himself but knowing that Katherine was here he sat down on his chair beside her, openly challenging Xander.

Seeing that the kid has dare to challenge him, Xander's face morphed into a smirk.

Alisteir again looked at him, and trust him that this smirk of the devil was even more threatening that that murderous expression that he previously had. He shuddered inside under his gaze.

Xander's gaze then went to the girl who sat at her chair without even noticing him. He may look calm from outside but he was feeling dejected inside. He swiftly approached the table that they were sitting at and moved Alisteir's chair away.

He with help of his air magic got a chair from the other side and put it between the both of them.

Katherine who was reading the book was not even a bit aware of the changes around.

Alisteir was baffled when his chair was suddenly moved to the side , he looked at the culprit who did that but when he found Xander his voice struck in his throat.

Xander ignoring the boy beside him sat at the chair between the both of them.

He looked at the book she was reading and unlike Alisteir who was surprised,  he was calm as he took away the book from her and teleported it back to the bookshelf it came from.

When her book was taken away she just got another book from the stack and started reading it.

Xander again took away her book and continued to do it every time she got a new book.

Well, Katherine was not bother as he was already considered a book thief in her eyes.

She just stood up to take another book, but he caught her wrist and made her sit down.

If you look at her face it was as cold as the tundra and gave of the vibe, that she didn't have even a little care about the world but you can see the slight irritation in her eyes if you see really closely.

Alisteir knew what Xander was trying to do and when he saw the slight irritation in her eyes, he can't help but feel defeated.

'Why is it always him to get a emotion out of her, even when she previously patted his back, her face was cold, and devoid of any emotion' Alisteir thought as he cried inside.

Xander got what he wanted so he just took Katherine's hand and kissed the back of it before saying "I will see you at dinner". And...he vanished.

Katherine and Alisteir looked at her hand where Xander has kissed her.

There was obviously no emotion on her face but inside only she knew that heart and mind was in another turmoil.


In the evening Katherine didn't went out to eat dinner but sat in her room examining the locket.

Looking at the locket she suddenly remembered something and pulled out a box from her personal space.

It was an old wooden box with some small small paintings of her mother and herself stuck on it.

This box contained all the things that her mother left for her. She opened the box and took out a locket from it. This one belonged to her mother and her mother wore it everytime, she never took it out.

Katherine never knew what was the importance of this locket but whenever she would ask about it her mother will just change the topic.

For once she thought that this locket has something to do with her father, but he had abandoned them long ago and she was sure that her mom would not keep the things of some betrayer.

Well she has never known about her father.

As she suspected,there were a lot similarities between the two lockets, the material from which they were made and the designs were same.

The only difference was that the design on her mother's locket seemed to be carved by a professional but that of the other locket were like they were carved by some inexperienced person.

She knew better that these were not carved by hand but instead magic as she has also learned about this in the Dragon academy.

As she put both the lockets close, they both opened, revealing a red and a blue stone inside them respectively.

Her mother's locket has the red one and the blue one was in the other locket.

There were some initials carved in each of the locket.

The red stone was having the initials 'RS & DE '

The other stone has the initials 'LE'

She quickly understood to whom one of the initials belonged in her mother's locket, one was the initial of her mother's name but she was not sure about the other.

As soon as the gems have appeared after just a few seconds they vanished with the locket, now only her mother's locket was left in her hand.

She assumed that the initials were the name of the culprit.

Her familiers looked at the locket and said "Where did you got that?"

Katherine just looked at the locket without paying attention to them.

Well, they were now kinda used to this so they continued "This is not something you can find here"

They both have their own suspicions about her while looking at her appearance but now after looking at the locket the suspicians arose all the more.

Katherine was not dumb and knew that the material the locket was made was neither from this empire and nor from the Dragon empire but from somewhere else.

She also knew that this thing was really expensive and in no way can her mother afford it. They were not poor but fine , but then also they cannot afford such a thing.

Now the thing that she thought about was that this might be given by her dad to her mom and then some other question came to her mind that who exactly her dad was?

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