Chapter 25

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A girl stared a the two people who were attacking each other furiously as if they are long sworn enimies.

What the girl didn't knew that even if they were not enimies before, they surely are now.

Katherine looked at Xander and Damian as they continued to fight each other.


The fight continued, at first she thought that they were just having a practice match but it has now become intense.

She was already getting the feeling they these men don't like each other because of the feud between Damian's tribe and the crown, she wondered if a revolt might occur in the Dragon kingdom.

But the matter at hand was completely different from what she thought. These both were not fighting for power but to show each other that she belongs to whom.

And no matter how calculating Katherine might be she was just too unaware of these things . She went to sit at a nearby bench and take a nap for the time being .

She closed her eyes but not before plugging her ears with cotton to prevent the noise from reaching her.

People cheered loudly as they both fought , Damian saw and opening and struck his sword, Xander smirked.

In just a second he has pinned down Damian whose sword was thrown who knows where.

All their  familiers were also sitting and chating, when Roxy, Damian's Eagle spirit saw his master was defeated she snorted "If it was about martial arts, I bet my master would have won"

The other familiers looked at her. Del and Luna who were sleeping opened one of their eyes to see who was speaking.

Liam thinking that his master was being looked down upon in case of martial arts, he said arrogantly "As if my master will lose to anyone"

Roxy glared at him in return of which he did the same.

"What do you think of yourself?" Roxy finally shouted after a heated session of glaring with Liam.

Katherine whose sleep was disturbed because of this said in a cold voice "Shut up, you are annoying"

Luna and Del looked at their master and then at the eagle girl who face was as red as a tomato. They bet that this eagle girl already sensed the mana power Katherine was emitting and her master's attraction towards her, it was really bad to offend such person.

Listening to Katherine's voice, even though it was really low Xander and Damian stopped their fight to look at the girl.

They found her slepping on the bench while her head was resting on Del' s shoulders, Xander clenched his hands.

'Even if he is a familiar,  he has no right to do such a thing' he thought.

Damian gaze landed on his familiar and at her red face, he laughed loud making Roxy glare at him. On the other hand Del was getting chills as he shivered.

Soon the bell rang signalling the end of the class, Xander woke Katherine up to go to her room but she glared at him and teleported herself somewhere.

Xander smirked knowing where she has gone and signalled Liam to follow him.

As this was the last class Damian went to do his work not knowing that a dark figure was keeping eye on each of them's every move from the side.

After leaving the academy grounds the figure reached run down building, inside he saw the person he has invited.

"Have a seat" he said in his hoarse voice as he pulled his hood down to reveal shiny blue hair, they were as blue as the sky but had become a bit dull as they were kept well.

The person infront of him.

"So why do you want to meet me" asked the man.

"Don't you want to get that person too" the figure said as he spinned a pen between his fingers.

The man looked at this person curiously, "So what do you want from me" he asked.

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend, so I was thinking if you will work with me" the figure said, it was not that the person was not recognisable,  the man knew very well who this blue haired man was.

"What's in it for me?" the man smirked.

The figure smiled standing up and reaching side, he bent down "You can get the power, I just want that person dead along with that person's whole family" the figure smirked.

The man smiled and shook his hand "Then it's a deal"


Katherine was in the library reading some book when Alisteir entered, he looked around to find himself the book he wanted but found Katherine sitting at some corner, after taking his book he went to her.

Katherine looked up when someone tapped her shoulder. Alisteir smiled at her and sat.

Katherine looked at the book he was reading and the other he held in his hand, one of the book was the one she has given him just a few days ago.

Alisteir saw her eyes on the book and smiled, sure his sister's planned worked.

"This is the book you gave me that day, it's really interesting if I say, I again want to thank you for this book" he said as his face blushed when Katherine gave him a small smile.

He then looked over to the book she was reading and his breath was hitched in his throut.

He started to cough, Katherine patted his back as he coughed continuously.

Xander who enter the library and saw this could not help but grit his teeth at the outsider who was seeing the caring side of his always cold fiancée.

The ring in his hand broke as he clenched them so hard.

Alisteir can't help but smile when Katherine was caring for him.

Even though she was patting his back her face was as usual morphed in a straight line.

Alisteir sighed,'Even though the outcome was not what he expected today, this was better'.

Alisteir suddenly got a chill running through his spine and when he looked at the direction from which the chill came , his heart nearly stopped working.

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