Chapter 49

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"Stop!!" just this one word from Katherine made the two fighting maniacs to freeze at there places.

The void disappeared and they were again inside the room where Liam lived.

Katherine looked at both of them with dull eyes, seeming annoyed and a bit angry.

Xander's sword was thrown away from his hand to a far corner. The dark wind spears made by Liam were destroyed in the flick of her hand.

"Katherine, you should not interfere, this is a thing between men" Liam said looking at her.

Katherine gazed in his eyes and then around the room, stopping at Xander's eyes she said "Brother doesn't this room is just awfully fancy to be a prison cell".

Katherine smirked at her brother holding fire in her hand.

Liam panicked at the thought of what she was about to do.

"Kathy, listen to brother, he was just joking" Liam said cautiously.

"This is not over" he said to Xander aside so that Katherine can't hear.

"I heard it" she gritted her teeth.

"My dear sister, I was just doing my....aa..duty as a good....older brother, you understand right" Liam said giving her a wide smile.

"Still, till death?" her tone was grave.

"That....- but uncle did wrong"

That's right I should put all the blame on uncle Raff to escape from Katherine's wrath, she seems just too much beautiful and too much deadly like mother, heavens save him! Liam said in her head.

"How could he make someone your fiancé without checking if he is qualified to be with you or not" Liam put all the blame on his so called uncle.

"Well, when it comes to that I am curious too, how did the dragon made the Iron blood Duke agree with him?" Damian asked looking at Xander who was leaning on the wall.

"Yeah, what did Xander do to change the mind of my father who was hell bent in not letting Katherine have a fiancée" Lucas also questions.

Well, in reality these questions have been troubling them since many years and the question that how did Xander do it never got answered.

Now Katherine also looked towards Xander,  her eyes seemed to ask the same question as the others.

Xander shrugged and then smirked "That's because it's me"

Everyone including Katherine rolled their eyes at his statement.

Silence prevailed for a while.

"So.... We should better find a way to get out of here and find the real murderer?" Damian said cutting the thick silence.

"You can't" Liam said in a frustrated  voice sitting at the bed with his hands fisted and knuckles white.

Xander's gaze went to his brother-in-law, he looked bored by the situation but until they didn't said anything he won't do anything either.

"Why?" Lucas asked confused.

"If it was this easy to go out don't you think that I still be rotting in this place for past fifteen years" Liam said.

"Maybe" Xander said provoking him.

Liam glared at the dragon present in the room, the one he wants to shred into pieces. How dare he put his sight on his precious sister.

"At the entrance, there is a barrier made out of light essence. It is not possible for a demon no matter how powerful to cross it alive or even it they did, their souls will be totally damaged"
"And in case of normal people, they can't also come out unscathed"

"By how is something like here in this place" Lucas raised his brows.

"Why do you think that stinky dog is not allowed in this realm anymore" Liam said.

"Stinky dog?" Lucas asked in confusion.

"It's that dog that follows Katherine around" Xander stated uninterested.

Lucas seemed to understand.

"What, that dog is Katherine's familiar?"

Lucas nodded.

"So why did the 'dog' do this?" asked Damian.

"Because of his sick love" Liam rolled his eyes when he said love.

"He wanted to trap Luna forever in his cage so he made something like that, but he failed to capture her and...." Liam stretched the sentence.

"And...?" asked Lucas.

"Got beaten up severely" said Liam nodding his head.

"So is there no way to go out?" asked Damian.

"I fear not"

After saying this Liam sighed putting his head in his hands. Xander was leaning on the wall beside the bed.

He looked at him with cold eyes and asked "So are you going to give up just like that, it's okay to give up when you are just too week"

Xander nodded his head agreeing with himself.

"And like I said it's okay to give up but don't you want to torture the person who threatened your sister's life" these were all provoking words which seemed to have just a little effect on Liam.

"Such pain" Xander muttered under his breath looking at the so called future demon heir.

Liam looked up, he roughly had an idea about who the criminal is and trust him he wants to give him the most gruesome death that even the hell will shake seeing the wrath of a demon prince.

"I want to, but getting out of here , the chances are really slim"

"Then we have to find another way" said Katherine blowing a whistle.

For a few seconds there was utter silence as everyone looked at Katherine bewildered then the floor began to shake as if their was an avalanche.

After the shaking subsided, in front of them stood a poker faced Mark.

"Boss, things are done as you wished" he bowed.

Xander clicked his tongue and glanced at Liam to see his response.

As he thought Liam was frustrated

The biggest question in Liam's mind was why is his sister surrounded by so many men?

"No, she had a friend who is a girl too" Xander answered his unasked question in a cocky tone.

Liam looked at his like he was crazy.

Mark' s gaze took in the room and he introduced himself.

"Mark Blaze, Boss' assistant and secretary, this humble servent is loyal to the boss" He bowed again.

Liam just stared at him and coughed.

"Lets go" Katherine said stepped in the direction of the hallway directing everyone's attention away from Mark.

"But what about the barrier?"

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