Chapter 22

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The atmosphere was lively at the academy as the students excitedly entered into the academy grounds.

Having dreams and ambitions, some successors of their families training to success their titles, some burly kids training to be soldiers, some to become scholars and the others to start their own business.

This was an opportunity to show others how well your family background is.

According to Katherine's previous life this was like a high school but in this world it was like your college studies with different categories and major.

Mostly girls came here to prepare themselves for becoming the female head of the family, they usually study embroidery, etiquette, sewing, party arrangements and other works.

Only a few girls were there who really wanted to do something in their lives rather than marrying and having kids.

And of course Katherine was one of them.

Dispite her excellence in most of the field Katherine was looked down by the circle of the noble ladies whose head was obviously her dear sister.

As the empire having no princess she the centre of attention of the social circle.

Katherine entered the luxurious academy alongside her brother and sister.

As the siblings walked the other students cleared the way for them.

These people have given titles to them really early.

The girls can't help but look at the man who was called the cold genius in the academy as he walked with grace giving out his usual aura of coldness.

On the other hand the boys' eyes were hooked at the school's flower for the last eight years, who was walking with a smile on her face making the heart of those who looked at her swell with sweetness, a total contrary to her twin.

She was giving of that cheerful and innocent aura that people can't help but fall for.

And the last one was the Cold beauty, even though she has been in Dragon Wales for the last eight years and barely came to any social gathering, by her visit on her siblings birthday and her debut she was given this title.

She walked with her lips in a straight line emitting the aura which was indirectly warning everyone to just stay away.

The three beautiful siblings just walked inside and the others can do nothing but stare as the price for talking to anyone of them, they will have to pay with their life.

As soon as the three stepped in the corridor Rosa and Lucas were taken away by their friends leaving Katherine alone by herself.

Lucas was hesitant to go but when She gave him a asuring smile he went away after saying "Go to the auditorium, I will meet you there".

She also lifted her steps with his words and soon she was in the auditorium. The opening ceremony will take place here so it was already half full.

To avoid the troublesome first rows where those annoying nobles of high ranking from different Kingdoms sat, she went to sit at the corner of the last row.

Soon Xander also entered the hall, scanned it and when he found her he sat on her right as their was no chair on her left.

After a while Lucas also entered and he frowned when he saw her sitting with Xander but seeing that there was no seat beside her he sat at the seat beside Xander to prevent him from doing anything improper.

Soon the Auditorium was full and the ceremony was going to start.

All of Katherine's friends were sitting in the same row, one beside another, keeping an eye on each other.

Just when the ceremony was going to start someone approached Katherine and looking at him she gave a small smile but still noticeable.

The others noticed this and stared holes in head of the person as he spoke to her "Lady Katherine, it's nice to meet you here".

"Same here" she said.

"Are these your friends?" he asked her looking towards the others who held murderous intent for him in their eyes. 

She introduced them and he shaked hands with them.

Everybody shook hands with him but not with a pleasant expression on their face but Xander and him has some old rivalry.

As they shook hand the new boy said "Dragon".

"Damian" They both said in a chilling tone.

Without notice the temperature seem to have dropped by several degrees as they stared at each other, no one ready to give up.

"So you still remember this old friend, Dragon" Damian said with a cheeky smile on his face.

Then he turned towards Kathy and gave her a look to which she stood up and started following him but before she could take a step her hand was caught by Xander.

"Where are you going?"

"It's none of your business" she said and she pulled her hand away from his grip.

He looked at Damian and gave him a  warning look with his eyes to which he just smiled.

Katherine and Damian came out of the auditorium to the corridors. These corridors which were bustling with students just a while ago were really quiet now.

She looked at him and asked "So what did you found?".

"What? straight to business, not even asking how your secret lover is doing" he said making a sad face which didn't have any effect on her but instead he got a kick in the back by her for what he just said.

"Oww, Ok Ok, I am not your secret lover but at least consider me as your best friend" he said to which she gave him a glare.

"Ok, back to business, when we went to you home town for investigation we found this" he said as he pulled out a silver locket from his pocket.

Katherine took it and looked at it, it was not one of her mother's belongings as whatever she owned was given to her.

He continued "It was found that after your mother died, this was found on your mother's clothes, basically when your neighbour changed your mother's attire, she found this and thinking of it as something valuable, stole it".

"It might be of the person who killed mother, anything else you found" she asked looking up from the locket.

"We have caught the person who was the carriage driver but he still refuse to open his mouth" he said.

"They really planned it well, first they stabbed mother and then made a carriage trample her" Katherine said as she clenched her fist.

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