Chapter 17

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She then took out a crossbow and some arrows, passing it to Drake she said "These are for you".

He took the cross bow and arrows and examined them, they looked really finely carved and somehow he can sense mana from them.

"Kathy?" He asked.

"There is some of my mana infused in them, there is fire magic and you should handle them carefully" she said but didn't look at him.

"Katherine?" he again asked.

"What happened Drake?" asked Ivan.

"My most powerful magic is fire so why should I handle is carefully?" he asked.

Katherine still didn't say anything.

"Can't you understand?" Xander said as he leaned back in his chair.

"There is obviously dark magic infused with it, Even I can sense it from here".

At Xander's words everyone looked at Katherine for an explanation but she still kept mute.

Instead of speaking she took out a beautiful handkerchief from her space and handed it to Lucas who after receiving it was on seventh sky.

"Did you emboidered this?" He asked.

She looked at him and said a small yes. Well she did but with her magic not hands.

Now Lucas looked at Xander with a big smirk on his face but Xander just kept calm because he was confident that he will get the best gift than the others and it was.

At last Katherine looked at him and pulled out a long sword.

He can sense strong mana from that sword so he knew that it was not a normal sword instead it was hand made by her.

She pushed it to him who pulled it out and examined it. It was made up of pure mana crystels infused with Katherine's mana.

Fire, Wind and Dark he counted inside his head as they were the three attributes in the sword.

"I bet this also have dark magic" he said in a bored tone but inside he was just so excited that keeping his poker face was becoming really difficult.

She looked at him and nodded.

"Why not, I bet everything you touch has the presence of Dark magic and when you infuse your mana with something that dark magic usually flows in that thing as well, as the other attributes of you are basically dependent on light and dark magic".

"But Katherine you should not do this as if you will make a weapon by yourself and then infuse your mana with it too, it might become just too deadly".

He said it in a innocent tone but in reality he was mocking others that she made that sword for him personally and the mana in the crystels has been infused by her only.

Soon after giving these gifts she left the hall for her room.

After sometime both her dad and Rosa also left the room and only the boys were left their.

Soon Xander stood up and took out his sword, he examined it again and again while showing it to Lucas.

"This sword is really amazing, isn't it? Lucas?" he said in a really innocent tone to make Lucas angry.

Lucas just glared at him and left the hall.

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Lucas reached his father's office and barged in. His father who was not expecting this was shocked to look at him like this.

He looked like someone took the most precious thing in his life.

He banged his hands on the table and asked "I ask again Why is Xander living here when he can live at the palace".

"Lucas, don't you think you are overeacting, this is his fiancée's house, there is nothing wrong with him staying here" his father said.

"I am overreacting" Lucas said pointing towards him.

"Dad, don't you know what type of person he is"

"He killed people in cold blood just a few years back or have you forgotten about the real reason of why you adopted Katherine" Lucas asked with a unbelievable look on his face.

"I remember everything Lucas, you don't need to worry" his dad said.

To the outer world these two father and son are the definition of coldness, Who knows how people will react when they saw them like this.

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Katherine was going towards her father's office when Xander blocked her way.

"Move" she said and tried to go from the other side but he blocked it too.

She stood and glared at him to which he didn't respond.

After a moment of silence he spoke "Thanks Irene for the gift but why a sword?".

"So that you can go kill yourself with it" she said and moved past him but he caught her hand, pulled her back and she collided with his chest.

"Oh, Irene why so cold, I am hurt" he said still holding her in the same position.

When she struggled to get his grip off her he lowered his face and wispered into her ear.

"It's of no use with you strength like a five year old".

She looked up at him and gave him that evil eye and said "But I can do this" as she stepped on his foot making him lose his grip on her.

She ran away as soon as he let go.

Ivan who was seeing this clutched the pen in his hand tightly while burning a hole in Xander's head.

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Katherine reached her father's office and knocked on the door twice.

Soon she heard a come in .

She entered inside the office after so many years but it still looked the same, with the same old furniture and the same old books.

She approached her father and put a letter on the table.

"What is this?"  her father asked.

"This came from the ministry, the butler was busy so I brought it to you" she said and sat down at one of the chairs facing her father.

After looking at the letter her father looked at her and said "I bet this is not the only thing that you came here for".

She nodded her head and spoke "You are right father, I am here to tell you something or more precisely ask you about something".

"Sure go on."

"Who killed my mother?"

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