Chapter 15

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Xander stood at the terrace of the palace where the coming of age ceremony was taking place.

In his hand he held a piece of cloth which seemed to be made by a little child, it has many holes in it but the significance of it for him was too much.

The girl who gave him that looked pretty even at the age of four, he wonders what kind of life she would be living now and if he can find her someday he wants to return this cloth to her.

As he stared at the sky he saw a shadow in the garden down stairs and when looked closely it was Katherine, thinking of having some fun he went down to the garden.


Katherine came out of the packed hall to get some fresh air into her lungs. The night was peaceful and calming as she walked in the garden full of flowers and small plants and vines.

In the moon light the trees seemed to glow in a silverish hue, sparkling and emitting shine to the surroundings.

She walked around and sat under a tree.

When she sat there a hand wrapped her hand making her startled and  bump her head in the tree trunk.

She looked at the hand that caught hers and then looked up to the culprit who was responsible of giving her a mini heart attack just now.

She scowled at Xander as he just sat there smiling like he has gone crazy, not even a bit bothered about her condition making her all the more angry.

It's not like she wants him to care but shouldn't he be responsible of what he did.

She glared daggers at him for a while before he spoke "Dear Irene, I know that I am just too handsome that you can't get your eyes off me but you should because it's awkward".

She scoffed "Even a rat will look better than you" and looked at the sky.

Xander who listened said with a fake hurt "Oh, Irene you're so cold and mean".

They both sat there for a little bit more in silence until Katherine spoke "I am sorry about your dad, it would have been hard on you back in your kingdom and you should be extra careful because I don't think that your mother and brother will give away the throne to you so easily".

"How do you know that I am better than my brother, what if I am the bad one among us two" he asked curious to know what she will say.

She still did not looked towards him but said "You both are mostly alike but atleast you don't bully people who are lower in status than you".

This was just an excuse, she knew he was the good one because of the book but she can't say it to him, he will not understand .

At her answer he didn't know what to feel, In one way she said he is better than his brother and the other way he is like him, instead he just smiled "You really trust me, aren't you afraid of me like others".

"What is to be afraid about you? Being afraid of you will be like being afraid of a puppy" she said matter of factly.

He again looked at her and said in a shocked voice "Really but do you know that a puppy grows into a dog and a dog can bite".

"You're like the one who just barks and can't bite" she said and looked at him giving him a smirk.

He just laughed at this and her smirk disappeared.

He stopped laughing and said "You better be careful dear Irene because this is the pup of a lion and when grows up will surly bite".

She scowled and again turned her head away making him laugh even more.

After he stopped laughing there was again silence.

After some silent minutes he again said "Irene, you don't need to be afraid of me as I will never hurt you".

After sometime when he didn't got a mean answer he looked at her to see that she has fallen asleep on his shoulder.

He just smiled and tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"No matter how cold you appear on surface, you are just too warm from inside" he said and chuckled as she mumbled a no under her breathe.

"You are really defenceless, but don't worry with me there no one who can dare to harm you".

On his face was that evil smile that she has never seen and maybe will never be able to see as it is only directed to the people who comes to harm what is his.

He thought of the incidents that happened in his kingdom making his smile totally resemble that of a devil.

His face at the current moment looked more scary than that of The Grim Reaper who comes to get your souls to hell.

Flashback **

Xander was about to go back to the kingdom of Enchancia after all the things about his father's death were settled.

According to his father's will his mother will take care of all the affairs of the kingdom until he graduates from the academy. After that he will be officially crowned as the King of Dragon Wales.

His younger brother stopped him on his way to the carriage smiling smugly.

Xander was not even bothered a bit about his brother or what he wanted to say so ignoring him he continued to walk but what he said a while later got him to stop in his tracks and look behind at him.

"I know you don't want to talk but you should know that the biggest reason that you are still the crown prince even though you didn't spend more than five years in our kingdom is because you have got the support of the Grand Duke of Selteriola on your side".

"But what if you hurt his beloved daughter or what if she wants to cut the engagement" Carlos said with confidence as he has gotten his brother to stop in his tracks.

When Xander turned around their was a smug smile on his face too as he said "Dream Carlos dream, there is nothing wrong in dreaming, she is my fiancée and will always remain mine".

"And if you tried to harm her Or of she got harmed because of you than listen this even your mother or the whole aristocrats on your side will not be able to save you from your demise"

His face looked chilly as he said this, so was his voice and so was the aura emitting around him.

It was basically warning everyone that if they tried to harm what is his then their family with not even get the dead body of that person to bury it.

Flashback ends**

The same thing was now and Ivan standing at the entrance of the garden can sense it very well.

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