Chapter 48

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Sobs can be heard from the duke's mansion followed by an ear piercing scream.

The Duke's Estate was in a different kind of chaos. The youngest daughter was terrified by the behaviour of her always calm and collect jerk of a fiancé and screamed when she saw his pitch black eyes.

Some sort of black evil aura was radiating of him. He walked and behaved like some sort of zombie or an undead.

The Duke had tied Ivan in a magic circle so that he can't escape and at the moment was kneeling before the tearing Rosaline.

"Don't worry Rosa, everything is fine, your father is here to protect you" he said in a soft voice stroking her hair.

Rosa hugged him and sobbed in his arms "Dad, I am scared I.."

Her voice was cut by her sobs as she buried her face in her father's shoulder.

Even at this age she was still the naive and childish little girl she used to be, one who loved her family more than anything. The cheerful kid.

On the other hand the girl who came later was mature and silent so she felt a lot of insecure about her place in the family when they started paying attention to Katherine.

Even when Katherine was away they worried about her. Because of her inferiority complex she was unable to see how much her father and brother cared for her.

Katherine was good at most everything she does and on the other hand she can't do anything.

The Duke loved his niece but more than that it was the guilt that was in his heart as he blames himself for his brother's death. But she..She was his own daughter, how can he not love her.

Everytime whenever her father or brother called her to have tea or go shopping she refused thinking Katherine would be there and they won't pay attention to her.

She craved for attention and belongingness all these years when she already had it but just can't see it.

"Rosa I know, you are scared but we can't do this without you, we need you Rosa, we need you" the Duke pleaded.

The news was supressed for now but when word gets out about the crown prince's condition, the whole empire will be in chaos.

The rebel forces that are waiting for the right opportunity to over throw the empire will take good advantage of this situation for themselves.

Raff looked at his daughter's frightened face and sighed "It's okay, Rosa, If you don't want there is no problem"

"But..But" she said between the sobs.

"Dad will make everything fine, just you wait" Raff said standing up to go.

When he was about to step out of the room Rosaline caught his hand and said "I will do it"

Her face was still tear strikened but her eyes held a new resolve. Raff looked at her and smiled, his daughter was growing up and understanding her responsibilities.

The father and daughter went to the room where a certain someone was trapped. The door was opened and the sickening smell of rotting blood greeted then.

Rosa covered her nose as she entered sticking to her father's side. Ivan was chained to the magic circle in the middle of the room.

The news of his condition was sent to the emperor secretly and have asked the emperor to not come here as it will raise suspicion.

The emperor wary of a rebellion never visited his son even once for the past three days.

Rosa grimaced at the sight of her fiancée, at this moment she wanted nothing but to run away, she was scared, so scared to help.

Scared of doing things wrong.

But she pack that desire and walked forward towards the insane crown prince who didn't even looked like a human at this moment.

She put her hands forward towards him and a white light emitted out of them, the light slowly ate away at the darkness that was surrounding him.


It was not enough, as much as the darkness was neutralised, it came out more. It was like a clif which had no end.

Suddenly there was a commotion outside and Sir Drake's voice came, "Duke we found him"

"Here" Raff said.

Drake dragged someone into the room and Alisteir caming inside behind him.

"Like as she said, we found him lurking around the Entrance to the Demon realm, He seems to be have gone crazy" Alisteir reported to the Duke.

His gaze then went to Ivan who was in a similar but a little worse condition.

"Greed is something you should keep away from, there condition is really bad, it seems like they will not make it for another day" Drake said this and got a slap on his head by Alisteir.

"Hey!!" he cried rubbing his sour spot.

"It's of no use, you are just wasting your energy" Drake said to Rosaline who was struggling to keep up the neutralisation process.

"What? Why? It seems to work" she said.

"We got Katherine's report, according to it, under someone's control and their own greed of achieving what was not meant to be theirs the passed through the Miasma wall surrounding the Demon realm"

"They were fine till now because the black energy didn't manifested a lot but now it seems like it's at its peak" Drake explained the situation.

"So until Katherine can't get rid of that manipulative jerk this will be useless as the black energy is from him" said Alisteir.

For those who don't understand, Dark energy and Black energy has the difference as in black and white.

Dark energy has many colours, it is not black in colour, well it might seem the same but it's not.

The dark energy that Katherine possess is the darkest shade of Violet which seems almost black. Xander's energy is of dark bloody red colour while Lucas' is navy blue.

The thing with black energy is the dark desires of people, it is rarely detected by the energy sphere as it can be manifested at any age by anyone.

You just need to have dark ambitions and a dark way to put them to work.

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