Chapter 45

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The four fell into a dark room.

"Ow" cried Damian as he fell face first. Katherine and Xander steadied themselves mid air and landed safely.

At this place you can see no sign of miasma or the light essence.

It was abnormal, the air seemed weird. Even with out the light essence,the atmosphere made her weak as they walked inside.

She had never been this vulnerable.

Xander supported Katherine as they walked through the dark empty halls.

"This place...." Lucas said looking at the skulls and bones that were scattered around.

"...seems to be the prison" Damian said as he walked in front.

Katherine condition kept getting worse as they walked further inside.

Looking at her condition, Xander suddenly picked her up and carried her in his arms. Nowadays he was used to this thing.

Katherine having no strength to protest just put her head on his chest.

Lucas and Damian rolled their eyes when Xander looked at them provokingly.

Lucas sighed. This was not good, they need to quickly get out of here.

"Who is there?" suddenly a voice sounded from the darkness alerting them. Lucas and Damian pulled out their swords, ready to fight if something happened.

They both hid Xander and Katherine behind them.

"Who are you?" Lucas asked when a man who seemed to be in his early twenties walked out of the darkness.

He held a lantern which has a weird Violet flame. The man observed the intruders, they were just children.

He raised a brow "Shouldn't I be the one asking that question. Who are you and what are you kids doing here"

Somehow the air changed, the man looked at the kids to see what happened when his gaze landed on the almost unconcious girl in the silver haired boy's arms.

"Katherine?" he said taking a step forward to take a closer look but was stopped by the two swords pointed at his throat.

"Step back" Damian commanded standing infront to hide Katherine behind him.

The atmosphere was getting more and more suffocating as the seconds passed and in five minutes the temperature dropped.

"The air-,let me see her" The man gave out a concerned cry.

He stepped forward a little but was blocked again. The swords grazed his neck making some blood to ooz out.

"It you don't want to have a funeral let me check her"

At the man's words the three looked at each other and then at Katherine. Her condition at this point was worser than worse.

Xander just stared at Katherine as he could not do anything, he was helpless and this helplessness irritated and frustrated him the most.

He really doesn't have the heart to see her die again, he has lost count of how many times it has happened, the same thing repeating itself.

He is a coward, he would rather kill himself first than watch her die.

"How can we trust you?" Lucas asked the man still with the sword at the same position.

"It's your choice to trust me or not, and if I really wanted to do something, I would not have waited this long, to me it will not take more than a second to turn you all into a speck of dust" the man said in a grave tone swatting the swords away from his neck.

He was not bluffing, these bunch of kids were really no deal for him when he had survived in this place for more than fifteen years. Even the three of them are achieved swordsmen or use magic well, they were still no match.

The silver haired one looked tougher than the other two. He let out an unusually different aura.

The man smirked after knowing the identity of the boy.

Xander stared at the man for a while. Gazing into his red orbs which burnt like fire and showed no hesitation.

"Ok" he agreed and walked forward showing the man the current state of Katherine.

"Xander?" Lucas said.

Damian just stood at the side. He knew that when a dragon trusts someone he is to be a good person.

The man took a closer look and cursed under his breath. Xander was getting more and more anxious with time, he really don't want her to die in his hands.

The man told them to quickly follow him. He led them to a room that was well furnished and litted.

As the man said, Xander quickly laid Katherine on the bed.

The man sat beside her and took her hands, he slowly started transferring dark energy into her, slowly getting the overflowing light energy to it's normal rate.

After having done his job he stood up and pulled a chair from the side and sat on it.

"She will be fine in a while" he said with his eyes looking at her with affection.

She has grown up to be a really beautiful lady, but it would be troublesome later.
As she laid on the bed she looked really vulnerable, it was sure that she still don't know how to escape from such perils.

Then he gaze shifted to Xander who was sitting at the foot of the bed. He looked calm from the out side but in his eyes was a whirlpool of emotions.

In his eyes you can see regret, helplessness, anger and mostly it was fear, fear of losing someone dear which he seldom showed.

"So now tell me, who you all are and what are you doing here?" the man asked.

Lucas and Damian who were observing the room for anything suspicious looked at him.

Ignoring them and the man's question Xander asked "How do you know her and why did you call her so casually?"

"Kid, it's no secret here that only the demon royals have that hair colour and eye colour" he said pointing towards Katherine's hair and eyes "And everyone knows that the previous queen only had one daughter, so it has to be her"

"And if we talk about me taking her name so casually,you might not believe me but I am actually her....."

Villainess? well, who cares......not me. Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora