Chapter 11

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Katherine's POV

I looked at the girl who was about to cry. She was a frail little girl who looked a lot cuter than Rosa, but then my eyes landed on the boy who looked childish with that frown on his face.

By his clothes he looked like he was a high ranking noble but I don't care, I just got the girl's hand and started taking her away from that stupid boy who likes to have fun by bullying others.

What does he think of himself ?

As I was about to turn to the opposite direction from the boy his minians shouted.

"How dare you, Don't you know who you are messing with?, Human!!"

So annoying I thought when they shouted for me to stop and if that boy is even God then also I will not stop because I want to get out of this damned place as soon as possible.

Suddenly somebody caught my other hand and pushed me to face that person which caused my grip on the girl's hand to loosen and she fell on the floor.

I glared at the boy who caught me and guess he was none other than the bully.

Some girls helped the small girl to get up and took her to the infirmary when the boy has still caught my wrist in his hand with me glaring daggers at him.

He soon brought up my hand and kissed it at the back and said "And Who you might be young lady".

He said as if he was not bullying a small girl just now.

I rolled my eyes at him and jerked my hand out of his grip and went away.

Thankfully this time no one stopped me and I reached the class on time.

The teacher asked everyone to introduce themselves and when it was my turn I stood up and went to the front of the classroom.

I stood facing the students who were staring at me like they saw a ghost. Does a villainess looks that bad but I look kinda good nii.

I looked at the other students faces when I spotted a certain someone sitting on the last bench with his minians, smirking at me.

Dispite my displeasure I gave the kids a small smile and did a little curtsey and said "Myself Katherine Ivy Ecart, the eldest daughter of the Grand Duke of Selteriola. It's nice to meet you all"

At my words eyes of many of the kids widened with that boy and his followers.

After sometime it was his turn to introduce himself. He elegantly stood up and strode towards the front of the classroom and turned to us .

He also gave a slight bow all the while staring at me he said "Carlos Setores Riens, Nice to meet you"

Now it was my turn to be surprised because he was the the brother Xander was talking about. Well he is a jerk I' ll not deny that.

After class my way was stopped by the jerk. Seriously I thought that no one can be more annoying than Xander but he is on another level.

He has been staring at me and throwing paper balls at me the whole time in class and now he is here stopping my way.

They do share the same blood because they are both annoying creatures.

"What do you want?" I asked him to get this all over with .

"So you are the commoner who got adopted by the kind Grand Duke" he said.

I just looked at him with my emotionless expression and rolled my eyes again.

"Are you not suspicious that the Grand Duke must have killed your mom so that he can adopt you. I bet he knew from the start that you have amazing powers" he continued his stupid conversation but my mind has stopped listening to it.

My mind was stuck at the first line that maybe the Duke has planned my mother's accident, but why would he go to such lengths for me?

The villainess? as to kill someone, what if he got caught.

No Katherine this is nonsense and what this kid is sprouting is also nonsense so don't pay any head to it.

With this I left him with whatever he was saying not knowing that he is gonna make my life hell from now.


In the evening I was sitting on my bed thinking about my mother's last words which I might not be able to complete.


I looked at my mother who was bleeding from her forehead. I knew that she has a too less time left but I was not ready to face reality because it was harsh.

I again looked at my mother who placed my hand in hers and said "Kathy, I know that I have not much time left but I will always watch you from above and please be happy"

"Someone will come to adopt you, please go with them and be happy, I know you don't like the idea but find yourself a trustworthy prince *cough* *cough* Please be happy my child and please don't runaway from your family please don't".

As mom said this her eyes closed and her breathing stopped, she was dead, and my life too.

But how did she knew that someone is gonna come to adopt me.

I just stood there as the neighbours dressed my mother in clean new clothes.

Flashback End*

My mom was gone that day and if I found out that it was a planned murder then the murderer will wish that he was never born.

My mom meant everything to me but she was gone.

I regret that I can't fulfil her last wish, I will be happy but I can't marry and definitely I am not gonna stay at the duchy after I am an adult. I will run away.

I am sorry mom, I am sorry that I can't fulfil your last wish, I am sorry.

I wiped my tears and went to bed.

Villainess? well, who cares......not me. Where stories live. Discover now